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WEEK 30 - Friday 10 May 2024

May is National Teen Self Esteem Month and it gives us the chance to focus on the importance of ensuring our teens are self-aware and feel confident about themselves. The effect that their self-esteem has on their physical and mental well-being is of paramount importance and a crucial focus of the awareness month. 

We can all remember how hard the teenage years are; dealing with social changes, hormones, new relationships, educational expectations, peer pressure etc. The aim is for us all to work together to check in on the teenagers around us and make them aware of the great things that they are achieving and doing well at. 

When I was at school, although quite a while ago now, I remember having to write a positive comment about another student in my tutor group. I didn't really know the student that well, so I thought it was an impossible task, but it is surprising what impression we give and have of others around us. When I received feedback from my peers, I instantly felt an increase in my self-esteem and a sense of positivity that stuck with me all these years later. 

I will be setting up a similar task for the students to take part in during their tutor time and the tutors will also be talking about the impact kindness and praise can have. 

Additional to this we have also been focusing on one of our school values, responsibility. The students are now getting closer to Year 9 and will feel an increase in pressure regarding taking responsibility for their choices. This could be their choice of options which they will need to look at in Year 9 or their choice of behaviours in and outside of school. We need the students to take responsibility for their actions and to realise the part that they play in every situation and with this they must then take responsibility and accept the consequences that they may receive. We will often hear ‘but it wasn't just me’ or ‘they told me to do it’. The fact is that when a conflict arises or we make a mistake we cannot deflect from this by blaming others, making excuses or twisting the truth.  

Lastly, it is so nice to see the sun shining and with this we can open the school fields for the students to use. Please can I ask parents to speak to their children about behaving appropriately in their social times to ensure they keep themselves and others safe. 

Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

Miss Pinkney

Head of Year 8

Miss Briggs

Assistant Head of Year 8