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WEEK 38 - Friday 28 June 2024

Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. 

It is this time of year that I start preparing for the Year 6 students coming to us for their Transition activity week. This got me thinking of how quickly the last two years have gone and how I remember your child joining us all fresh faced and looking immaculate in their brand-new school uniform. I must say that most of the students in Year 8 still look like this, which is great to see. 

So, what is in store for your child next year and how can you help them to prepare for the transition into Year 9?  These are just a selection of the activities and events that they will undertake in the next twelve months. 

  • Duke of Edinburgh sign up in September 

  • Year 9 Inspirational Day - Prepare for choosing KS4 options, workshops to motivate & inspire, introduction to Log On Move On 

  • Pathways workshops 

  • Options Fair  

  • Prison Me No Way  

  • Enterprise Day  

  • Sex Education talks 

  • Option forms complete by Feb half term 

ASPIRATION: We aim high, and we have ambitious expectations 

In a recent conversation with one of the Year 8 students they told me that they would like to be a mechanic when they leave school. I was very impressed that they already knew this but when I asked him if he would like to own his own business or maybe be a manager, he told me that he had never thought about it he just knew he was interested in mechanics. I believe this is the time where we as the adults around them can really start to push the children, to inspire them and give them the drive to achieve not only their potential but also go above and beyond. All of which will link nicely to preparing them for Year 9 and to ensure they return in September with a positive attitude to learning. 

It is not only the students that have a transition coming up, but we also have Miss Wilkin moving from the current Year 11 team to join us in Year 8. Miss Wilkin has a lot of knowledge and experience to bring to the team and to assist in supporting your child in achieving their potential. She will be a great asset to the Year group, and she is looking forward to working with you and your children. 

Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

Miss Pinkney

Head of Year 8

Miss Wilkin 

Assistant Head of Year 8