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WEEK 33 - Friday 7 June 2024

Last half-term felt like it stretched out for many weeks, and this could be due to the fact we had a lot of different activities going on!! We ended the term with our Year 9 Enterprise Day. This event is inspired by ‘Dragons Den’ and is great for building creativity, confidence and teamwork skills. Our Careers Link Governor, Kallum Nicholson, is our main advocate for this event as he is very passionate about promoting self-employment and driving business ideas! Kallum launched the event in the morning with a motivational talk, as he spoke about his personal journey into becoming a Business Entrepreneur. Students then worked on their business ideas, with the top 10 winning teams going head-to-head in the final in front of a panel of guest judges. Our Director of Sixth Form, Mr Jarman joined the panel this year and he said ‘’That was great fun! Can I join you again next year?’’ Well done to our winning team ‘Me Time’ who created a mental health support subscription box.  

Another annual event we run each year is our Year 8 Ambition Day. This event has something for everyone as we aim to invite a wide variety of employers and training providers into school to deliver workshops to our students, giving them an insight into their careers and the different opportunities available to them. The student's carousel around the building, meeting our visitors at each stop, these included; Connexin, Yorkshire Archaeology Society, Humberside Police, Hull & East Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Cranswick Foods, HETA, East Riding College, BCD Travel, Camps International and the Duke of Edinburgh, as well as hearing about the various post-16 options available.  

As well as Careers, I also teach Performing Arts, and this year we were excited to see the return of our School Production! Since covid, we have put on an annual summer showcase with a variety of acts from Music, Dance and Drama, but we have held back from a full-scale musical. But this year we were delighted to put on the performance of ‘Oliver!’. This type of extracurricular activity gives students a great insight into what it would be like working for a theatre company, from the audition process to the extensive rehearsals, including dress and technical rehearsals and finally the demands of show week! The students worked incredibly hard and audience members commented on their talent and professionalism; we are very proud of them! Well done to all involved! 

Our Year 10 Careers Week is fast approaching, and plans are well underway. This year the week will run slightly differently to previous years as we see the return of Work Experience – which the students are very excited about! This has been implemented into the week, along with the Aspirational Dinner, which one student quoted last year ‘the cherry on top of the careers week’. This was launched last half-term, and is now fully booked up, so along with our post-16 providers, sector talks and CV workshops, we have a fantastic 7 days planned for our students. Please see the plan below of how this will look: 

I recently delivered a ‘Ready for Work Experience’ session with Year 10’s during their Bridge Day. We focused on how to get the most out of the experience, employability skills and top tips! Students will receive their ‘Student Information Sheet’ the week prior to WEX taking place, this will include the start and finish times, lunch details, a brief outline of tasks, what to wear, contact details etc. Students are encouraged to contact their placement 1-2 weeks prior to check in with the employer and make sure everything is good to go! 

Our Sixth Form Specialist Careers Advisor, Darrell Collins has been meeting with Year 12 students to discuss their post-18 plans and ideas as they prepare for transitioning into their final year. Some big decisions to be made, these interviews will continue right up until the summer, along with Year 10 initial interviews with Graeme Peart. 

We welcomed our Enterprise Advisor, Alvin Fernandes, and one of his apprentices on site to join the textiles department. They delivered a workshop with our Year 8 students giving an insight into BAE Systems and the different roles within the company, they particularly focused on the designers and the materials used to create the pilot's uniform when flying the jets – students loved trying on the real-life uniforms and pieces of equipment. 

Reminder of upcoming events/activities this half-term: 

  • Sixth Form Induction – 27 & 28 June 2024 

  • Year 12 UCAS Convention - Thursday 27 June 2024 

  • Year 10 Careers Week – w/c 1 & 8 July 2024 

  • Year 10 Work Experience – 3, 4 & 5 July 2024 

  • Year 10 Aspirational Dinner – Tuesday 9 July 2024 

  • Year 6 Induction Event – 10, 11 & 12 July 2024 

  • Year 12 Work Experience – w/c 15 July 2024 

Miss Lawes 

Careers Leader