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WEEK 2 - Friday 13 September 2024

“Nothing makes your heart sing like hearing other people say nice things about your children.”   

Mrs Anderson’s words to sign off last night’s KS4/5 Awards Evening not only summed up the night, but also the essence of the fantastic relationships that we have with our students and their families.  Last night’s event was the longest in some years (90 minutes) but, without doubt, the best.  The change of date evidently suited more families which enabled more people than ever to attend which meant the heart-felt, and often very funny, anecdotes and stories were received by a greater number of families. 

For those that have not attended one of these events, we ask our Heads of Department and/or course leaders to come to the stage and to say a few words about the three students that have been nominated for an award, and then to reveal the winner.  They do this for Year 11 and then for Year 13 students.  Each year, they really raise their game with the words they choose to describe the nominees and winners, but also to give an insight into the magic that takes place in our classrooms.  

Mrs O’Loughlin always sets the bar very high and took it to another level last night when sharing an email she received from a Year 11 student the night before a GCSE exams (“I was wondering whether I should follow the plan you’ve taught us, or just write whatever I feel like!”).  If you know Mrs O’Loughlin, you might be able to imagine her response to that.  

One after the other, teachers and leaders came to the stage to pay tribute to the students; their talents but most of all, their resilience, hard work and character.  There were some terrific stories.  But first-time-presenter Mr Compton stole the show with his hilarious insight into the world of Further Maths!   

My thanks to everyone that attended, including some of our ex-students that came back from their first week at university to pick up awards and to renew acquaintances.  Thanks also to the team at school that put on the event. 


In two weeks, we will be opening our doors for our Open Evening.  This is targeted at families where there is a child in Year 5 or 6 and who wishes to have a look around and find out more about Hessle High School.  All departments are represented, there will be performances from our music and drama students, sporting exhibitions, food tasting and I will be speaking several times so there are lots of opportunities to hear from me, on why you should consider Hessle High School.  Of course, most of you reading this have already made that decision but please feel free to inform any friends or neighbours if this might be relevant to them. 

Our own daughter is currently in Year 6 in her Primary School and, although we don’t live in the catchment, she has insisted that she wants to come and visit, in order that she can ‘make a fully informed choice’.  I have warned her of the pitfalls of attending a school, where one parent works, let alone, in her case, where both her parents work, and one is the Headteacher.  But she is adamant that she wants to have a full look around and so she shall. 


Finally, thank you for your support so far this term.  We have experienced one of the most positives starts to a term that I can remember.  Attendance is up several percent and the students are showing admirable standards of behaviour and conduct.  Year 11 students appear focused on their learning, following a busy summer term which involved work experience and an extensive careers week, whilst Year 7 are impeccable in both appearance and conduct. 

That is not to say that the years in between have not impressed!  All have returned with clear focus and positive attitudes.  Thank you. 

The sun is currently shining so I hope it continues into the weekend and that you can all enjoy the late-summer weekend. 

Mr Groak
