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WEEK 15 - Friday 20 December 2024

A fifteen week school term is tough and I am always impressed by the resilience shown by our students, and staff, to navigate this period of time. This morning, Mrs Todd and Mr Riches led celebration events for the students in Years 8 and 7 respectively that had completed the term with 100% attendance and no behaviour points. They were given a hot chocolate drink and a breakfast waffle. But mostly, they were pleased to be recognised for their achievement which was well deserved.

Attendance to school inevitably dips as we reach December but I am delighted that we are still tracking at 2.5% higher than the same period last year. Thank you for your support with this. Our attendance team are increasingly proactive in reaching out to families where attendance is lower than we need it to be and again I thank those of you that have collaborated with Mr Chapman and Mrs Kibart to improve your child's attendance. It really does matter, every day.


There are a number of different opinions regarding the core purpose of a school - a place for social development, a place to acquire qualifications or a place to acquire specialist skills. Undoubtedly, schools are a place for preparing students for the next stage of their education. This is even a separate and important element of the Ofsted school inspection framework.

At Hessle, we take this part of our work very seriously and recognise that each and every one of our students has their own unique set of ambitions and potentials and that it is our job to help them on their way, whilst also seeking to challenge their ambitions and make sure they are aspirational.

The Gatsby Benchmarks is a framework by which schools and colleges evaluate the work they do in relation to careers education and features eight individual benchmarks which include careers advice appointments, opportunities to visit workplaces, the sharing of labour market information and more besides.

The goal is that schools will secure a 100% score on each of these, which demonstrates an exemplary careers programme. Some of these benchmarks have been fully secured at Hessle for some time. Benchmark 6 (workplace visits) has always been the weak point as it is for most schools, due to the difficulty of taking large groups of students out of school to visit businesses,

Last summer, we introduced a work experience placement for our Year 10 students, which managed to secure a workplace visit for 74% of our students and significantly improved our Benchmark 6 score. All eight of our benchmarks are now well above the national average which should come as great news to parents/carers who want their children to benefit from expert careers guidance.

The next steps in our careers work comes in the form of our Aiming Higher programme which is designed to challenge students to raise their aspirations and, for most students, to ensure that by the age of 18 they are 'university ready'. Having the choice to go to university is one that I want for all of our students. Not everyone will want to do this and there are some high quality degree apprenticeships that are now fantastic alternatives. But we want everyone to have the choice.

But our careers programme actually begins in Year 7 with 'All About Me' day, follows on in Year 8 with 'Ambition Day' and really accelerates through Year 9 and into Key Stage 4 with careers weeks in each of Years 10 and 11. Our careers programme helps us to deliver on our school mission - "Everyone can achieve the extraordinary", which we firmly believe in.


With increasing numbers of students on roll and with attendance increasing steadily post-Covid, this year has seen the highest number of students ever on our Heads Lane site. This is great for the school community but brings its own challenges, not least of which the arrangements for the safe arrival and departure of our students.

For those of you that do not visit the school each day, the front of school is an incredibly busy place and features a main entrance that welcomes pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and six school buses. We rely on the safety conscious behaviour of all road and footpath users to ensure that everyone stays safe and I thank everyone who uses this space for their cooperation. This takes a large staff presence to mitigate the risk of accident and this works for us.

If you do use the school site, please always adhere to the 5 MPH speed limit which is a key element of our risk assessment. Please also be considerate and use only the spaces in the Visitors Car Park and not the priority spaces in front of reception. These are reserved for blue badge holders only, of which we have a large number who need these spaces.

New markings are in place this week and we will also be installing a speed limiter on the road as vehicles enter the school site. More than anything, your cooperation and understanding keeps the site safe. Thank You.


We continue to insist that students are prepared for their learning. In order to do this, we need all students to ensure that they bring a school bag to school. This should ideally be a two handle backpack which can be carried comfortably over both shoulders. Other bags are currently permitted but a backpack is always preferable. The bag allows students to carry the following equipment:

  • School planner - this is a compulsory element of school equipment and allows us to communicate with home, as well as record positive stamps for student conduct
  • Pencil case - this should include pens, pencils, ruler and other equipment
  • Water bottle - which can be filled at any of our water stations around school
  • Outdoor wear- the bag should also be big enough to store an outdoor coat, scarf or hat as we do not have lockers in school

Having a bag to school improves student organisation and independence. Through 2025, we will be working with all students to ensure that these minimum expectations are met. Thank you for your support


The Groak family will be on the road on Monday, along with the 2 million other vehicles that are estimated to be travelling for Christmas. Eventually, we will be in Surrey to spend Christmas with my in-laws, including the first Christmas for my children with their new baby cousin. I am heading back on Boxing Day (after the traditional non-league football match, Walton & Hersham v Bracknell). This will allow me to spend some time with my parents before my wife and kids head north next Saturday. On Sunday, we're braving the North Sea for a quick dash to Rotterdam to break up the holiday and then it will be feet up with nice food for New Year. Busy, but full of quality time with family with time to relax in between.

However you are planning to spend the holiday, on behalf of all the staff at Hessle High School, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

And thank you for your support in 2024.

Mr Groak
