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WEEK 16 - Friday 10 January 2025

Firstly, let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year and a healthy and prosperous 2025. 

It has been a decidedly chilly first week of the new term and, whilst it took a few hours for the school to warm up on Monday, it reminded me just how bad it used to be before our new school was built.  I remember the old site when it would be either sub zero for months in the winter and tropical for the same time in the summer.  There would be about two weeks in April and two weeks in October when the temperature in the buildings was ‘just right’. 

I appreciate that it isn’t easy for students in these conditions.  Unlike primary schools and in most modern schools, students are not provided with lockers or ‘pegs’ on which to store their outdoor wear or bags and they have to cope with carrying them with them each day.  Lockers were not built into our school design and there simply is not the space to install them in the current building design.  Nor do students have a base room where they could safely leave their bags, coats and equipment as all rooms are used constantly throughout the day.  I wish it were different or had money to change this but neither is possible. 

As a result, we ask students to bring outdoor wear to keep warm and ask that they bring a bag in which to store it during the day.  Where this becomes wet, we are soon to give them a suitable plastic bag to put their coat into which can then go into their school bag.  In cold weather such as this week, we are also allowing students to keep their outerwear on when in the canteen as they come and go from here during lunch.  I have to say that students cope very well with this in general and we have few problems with these measures in place.   

Next week, the temperature ticks up a little so we will not have ‘cold weather’ day in place and students will be expected to remove outer wear in the canteen at unstructured times.   

Thank you for your ongoing support with uniform standards which remain exceptionally high. 


A new year is always a great opportunity for a fresh start.  I spoke to all our students in successive assemblies on Monday and praised their resilience for being in school, on time, on such a dreadful cold and wet morning.  I also praised their attendance which, at that point, was 100% for the year!  Maintaining high levels of attendance through the winter is not easy for young people; nevertheless, the benefits of being in school, socially and academically, are proven beyond doubt so we continue to celebrate high levels of attendance and the resilience shown by our students. 


Last night we held our latest Parent First event which focused on how parents can support Year 11 students with their studies in English.  We had over 60 families present who heard tips and advice from Mr Burnett, Mr Kay and Head of Department, Mrs O’Loughlin.  Between them they have decades of experience of preparing students for success in their exams and I am delighted that they willing to give up their evening to share it with parents and students.  I hope that those in attendance found it useful.  Watch this space for more information on these events for other subjects and year groups. 


Finally, it is a quiet weekend in the Groak household over the next few days as we rest and recuperate after the first week of term. Thankfully, the weather is improving slightly and the winter sunshine always invites me to put on my running shoes and get out for some exercise.  Whatever you may be doing, stay warm and safe and thank you for your ongoing support. 

Mr Groak
