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WEEK 36 - Friday 28 June 2024

Hello to all our year 7 students and their families, 

How beautiful has the weather been recently? Normality has resumed today, but I would like to say how lovely it has been seeing the students enjoying the weather and talking to each other more, whilst chilling out on the field. Many students also enjoyed telling me about family BBQs and paddling pools being set up, whilst discussing life away from school. 

In school, we are starting to transition to year 8; how does this look?  

  • We started this week by lining up in our new zone; students no longer start the day on the front courts, instead we head around the back of the site and use the plaza behind the building. The move here has gone well and there is a lovely grass bank that the students have sat on and chatted until the whistle blows. 

  • Next week, Mrs Davies and I will be starting to relocate to our new office. I have started to encourage students to pop to the big pastoral office (which houses year 8-11) if they require support whilst we are on duty or tied up elsewhere. We are also now packing up our things and will move into the new office next week. 

  • In tutor time, I will share information about other changes, which should help prepare the students for the new academic year. 

I have spoken to the students regarding their first ‘Sports day’. This takes place on Tuesday 16th July at Costello Stadium. Next week students will be creating their tutor flags; these are displayed on the railings around the track. The flags will be created in their tutor sessions, and I have asked students to bring markers, glitter or anything else they want to help create a spectacular flag. There is a great deal of competition building, with some students practicing running, others seeing how high they can jump, whilst some discuss how to best glitter themselves up to dazzle on the track. We are really looking forward to the day, and hope the weather is in our favour. 

We have seen an increase in students developing their use of their school email accounts. I continue to set weekly challenges for students to have a go at and they are rewarded in Friday assemblies for spotting the email and taking part. Last week students had to create an unusual and crazy sandwich filling.  I had some whacky ideas, including the following: 

  • “Dumpling sandwich- Place 2 fresh dumplings onto seeded bread drizzle some homemade honey onto the base of the bread and sprinkle on some peanuts close the sandwich and there you have your dumplings sandwich” 

  • “English muffin filled with carrot chips, shark fillet, mashed sprouts and seaweed sauce; 

  • “Sourdough bread with lobster, cheese and ketchup.” 

There were 15 others equally as odd. This week's challenge is to create an imaginary animal and so far I have a ‘Mushfrog’, ‘Melty Dragon’ and a ‘Flam-mango’. Please encourage your child to check their emails and take part in the fun side of being in our year group. 

Due to some lapses in organisation, I would like to finish with a few reminders.  All students should arrive with a school bag and the following items: Planner, pencil case with stationery outlined in their planner, and a water bottle. Blazers should be brought every day and ties should be worn with 6 stripes or to the bottom button on their shirt. Mobile phones are handed in, and securely stored, when we loan items. I have gone through all of this in my assembly and told students that we do not let our standards slip, just because we are approaching the summer break. I have also asked them to let you know if their Arbor balance is in need of topping up, before they arrive at the canteen and realise. Please can you encourage your child to be organised and prepared for each morning. We really do appreciate your support. 

If there is anything you wish to know, discuss, or want support with, please remember we are here to assist. 

Take care and stay safe, 

Mrs Todd

Head of Year 7

Mrs Davies

Assistant Head of Year 7