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WEEK 30 - Friday 10 May 2024

This term in English, Year 10 are studying An Inspector Calls and Power and Conflict poetry in preparation for the English literature exams they will sit in Year 11.  

In An Inspector Calls, students will be studying about Priestley's message about social responsibility (helping others and being held accountable for our actions) as well as discussing how gender and class are presented. 

In poetry, pupils will learn about the different ways power and conflict can be presented in different topics such as through war or nature. 

A reminder that students study the AQA exam board for all English exams and any revision materials they use must be those designed for this board. 

Mr Kay’s Top Tips 

Mr Kay has offered the following Top Tips for students in Year 10 to help them get ahead in English: 

  • Create revision cards for the key quotations from your Power and Conflict poems. 

  • Keep up-to-date with current affairs (know what is going on in the world) to help you prepare for your writing tasks on English Language Paper 2. 

  • Shortly, you will be completing your Spoken Language assessments. For this, you will need to speak on a topic of your choice and respond to questions about it. Your choice of topic is a significant factor in your success. Try to choose something you are knowledgeable about and will allow you to demonstrate a depth of understanding. Please speak to your teachers if you have any questions or worries about these presentations. 

Looking to the future 

Although it might seem some way off in the minds of students, we are rapidly approaching the point where Year 10 need to start considering their next steps for post-16 study. For a large number of our students, this will involve remaining here at Hessle High School and moving on to our Sixth Form. Over the last few weeks, teachers have been selecting students they feel are “Sixth Form Ready” and have displayed the type of study skills and attitudes we are looking for from our post-16 students. These students will be rewarded with the opportunity to use the Sixth Form café in Tranby House during the final week of term alongside vouchers for a free drink.  

Alongside this, students in Year 10 continue to attend our ongoing programme of careers appointments, helping them to identify pathways for their education beyond Year 11. 

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award update 

I spoke a few weeks ago about the practice expedition completed by our Duke of Edinburgh students. They battled the elements through wind and rain, walking for 7 hours a day and all demonstrated the perseverance and determination we hope to see in all our students. Following their successful practice run, this weekend sees this group of thirteen students complete their Silver Qualifying Expedition, this time facing contrasting weather conditions with temperatures reaching the low twenties. We are extremely proud of their efforts and commitment and wish them all the best in their expedition. I’m sure they’ll be fantastic. As always, a huge “thank you” must go to the staff accompanying them on this trip who, once again, have given their weekends over to supporting the students in their extra-curricular endeavours.  

Mr Riches

Head of Year 10 

Mrs Lacey

Assistant Head of Year 10