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Penshurst Primary School

Weekly Blog

On this page you will find a weekly blog from Mrs Preston, Head of School.

May 2024

  • WEEK 32 - Friday 24 May 2024

    Published 24/05/24

    We have reached the end of the penultimate half term. How quickly this year has flown by! 

    This week, we have once again been busy with sporting fixtures.  

    On Thursday, a selection of KS2 learners attended Hymers College for the Pho3nix Kids Triathlon by Brownlee Foundation. This event was an opportunity for the learners to showcase their sporting prowess in a range of disciplines and a great time was had by all.  

    Also this week, our Year 6 Boys Football team played against Anlaby Acre Head, drawing one game and sadly suffering a defeat in another. Nevertheless, all players played well. Thank you if you came to support the players.  

    We also held our Year 6 Residential Information Evening this week, in which our Year 6 staff delivered essential information about their child’s upcoming adventures.  

    In the classroom, it has been another incredibly busy week. Reception have been busy building their own electric circuits whilst moving up to Year 4, the learners have exhibited excellent technology skills whilst creating a geodesic dome (I had to Google this – think Crystal Maze if you are old enough!). For more on all of the wonderful learning, please head over to X (formally Twitter).  


    I hope that you have a wonderful half term. A reminder that school reopens on Monday 3 June. I look forward to welcoming you all back.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 31 - Friday 17 May 2024

    Published 17/05/24

    We have come to the end of another busy week, and this week’s big event was our Year 6 SATs papers. The staff are so proud of how hard the cohort have worked this year, and particularly this week as they took on the challenge. This spans over 4 days, involving 6 papers, and perhaps it’s just my age, but the questions do seem to get more challenging each year. Nevertheless, our resilient learners have rocked up and given in their all. It has been wonderful to see so many enjoying the SATs breakfasts this week too, and it’s always lovely to see staff from other year groups mingling with them. Marlowe and Sherlock even made an appearance. In fact, being such a dedicated supporter of Penshurst learners, Marlowe asked his mummy if he could stay for the full morning on Wednesday in case anyone needed a cuddle. Now, we patiently await the results! 

    Other year groups have, as always, been engaging in wonderful things, which you can see over on X.  

    Our EYFS learners have enjoyed listening to music and expressing how it makes them feel. Year 3 have been exploring the work of artist Kehinde Wiley, and creating their own masterpieces inspired by him. Year 4 have been experimenting with materials to create structures, whilst our clubs have been super busy too with tie dye in Art Club and bearing the fruits of their labour in gardening club! 

    Another important event this week was the Year 6 Boys Football V Willerby Carr Lane, in which I am delighted to say we won one match 2-1 and drew 1-1 in the other after a penalty from Cobie.  

    Other information: 

    As the weather gets warmer, please do not send suncream with your child. Please ensure this is applied before they come to school.  

    A reminder that school closes on Friday 24 May for half term, reopening Monday 3 June. 

    Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you for the final week of this half term – where is the time going?

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School 

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  • WEEK 30 - Friday 10 May 2024

    Published 10/05/24

    In the world of education, Ofsted is such a milestone to overcome. The three-day weekend could not have come at a better time to allow everyone involved to recuperate after the event. As a thank you to all of your children for their impeccable attitude, willingness to share their thoughts, and their conduct during the two days, they will receive a packet of sweets today. Their manners and attitude were a testament to you all.  

    This week, our Year 5 Boys played a fantastic match in which they successfully defeated the opposing team 3-2 in the first game (2 goals scored by River and 1 goal scored by Blu) and were defeated in the second game, despite Archie and Bradley’s outstanding performance in goal and River running his legs off! A sterling effort all round!  

    Alongside this our Year 6 Boys versus Kirkella Primary won both of their games (Home and Away) 1 -0 and 2-1, this was a truly entertaining night of football played in blistering heat. All of the boys were exceptional, and their behaviour and attitude were a credit to our school.

    Next week, we take on the next challenge of the Year 6 SATs. Our learners have been working incredibly hard all year and making so much progress with their mocks. As always, we will be holding SATs Breakfasts from 8am on Monday – Thursday for Year 6. On Friday, Year 6 are invited to come in comfortable clothes or pyjamas. I am sure you will all join us in wishing our superstars the best of luck!  

    For more information on the learning that has taken place this week, as always, please head over to X (formerly Twitter) to find out more. 

    Finally, if you're looking for something to do over the impending half term, there are some fun events happening at Ferens Art Gallery. As always, please let us know if you take part, we love to hear what our little artists have been up to. 

    What's on – Hull Museums and Galleries 

    I hope that the good weather that we have been having continues into the weekend and that you are able to take some time to relax. See you next week! 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 29 - Friday 3 May 2024

    Published 03/05/24

    Well that’s not how we expected our week to begin!

    We knew that our Ofsted inspection was well overdue (by about a year and a half) and that they could visit any day now. And yet.... when the phone rings and the lead inspector is on the other end of the line, it is a complete shock and totally unexpected!

    It has been a packed couple of days with 3 inspectors travelling frantically across both sites for numerous meetings, chats with our learners, lesson drop-ins and conversations with our parents. For the latter, I thank you for your support and overwhelmingly positive comments.

    Working in education is not just about imparting knowledge and skills. There is so much more to it than that. Staff at Penshurst come to work because they are passionate about providing the best possible care and education for your child. Although an inspection is stressful, it is a great opportunity to demonstrate what a school does so well, which is exactly what we did this week. I am incredibly proud of the Penshurst community (staff, learners, parents and governors) for pulling together and supporting one-another practically and emotionally over the last few days.

    One of my highlights was speaking to a learner in Reception who asked me ‘When are the people coming to talk to me?’ I was so tempted to take him to the final feedback meeting with me!

    Unfortunately, we must now wait for the report to be written and agreed before we can share any information about the outcome. But for now, I would once again, on behalf of myself and my colleagues, like to thank you for your continued support.

    Other news:

    This week, our budding Year 5/6 girl's footballers played a home game against Westfield. Although we were defeated, we ‘put up a fight’ and both sides played fantastically.

    We have had reported cases of headlice in Years 1 and 4. Please check your child if you suspect they may be affected and treat if necessary. Thank you.

    Once again, we have had reports of children scooting and biking on the site and someone almost being knocked over. Try as we might, we cannot man every part of the site and must enlist your support. Please ensure your child is walking with their transport when they are on the site.

    Should this continue, we will refer to CCTV footage and ban repeat offenders from bringing scooters, bikes or balance bikes on site, where necessary.

    Thank you.

    Enjoy the bank holiday weekend! See you on Tuesday!

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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