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Penshurst Primary School

Weekly Blog

On this page you will find a weekly blog from Mrs Preston, Head of School.

July 2024

  • WEEK 38 - Friday 12 July 2024

    Published 12/07/24

    It has been a busy penultimate week here at Penshurst!

    We kicked it off (no football pun intended) with the first of our Progress Evenings on Monday, and the second taking place on Wednesday. As I sat in the front office greeting parents, it was lovely to hear the wonderful comments that were being made as family members were leaving. Thank you so much if you were in attendance, for supporting your child’s learning journey. If you were unable to make it, your child’s class teacher will be making contact with you to catch up before the end of the year.

    We also held our transition days this week, in which your child had the opportunity to meet and spend time with their new teacher. I hope that they came home full of beans and excited for the year ahead!

    By the time you read this, -Year 4RH will have visited Hull Truck Theatre Friday as part of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Associate Schools Programme. I am sure that all learners will have had a brilliantly dramatic time!

    Although we are sympathetic to the cost of living and the fact that we have one week remaining of school, we are seeing a big increase in the number of learners wearing trainers and crocs at school. I kindly ask you to refer to the uniform policy, which states the correct shoes to wear. If your child’s footwear is broken or they have grown out of them, please ensure the correct footwear is worn upon their return in September.

    Our final week looks to be just as busy (we can rest in the holidays, right?). Most of the events will focus around our Year 6s who will sadly leave us for pastures new after next week. Please remember that our Nursery last day is Thursday 18th July, and that school closes on Friday 19th at- 2pm after the picnic.

    Whatever you plan to do this weekend (I am sure Football features for many of you), I hope you have a super time. See you on Monday for the final week!

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 37 - Friday 5 July 2024

    Published 05/07/24

    It’s been all about the events this week! 

    On Wednesday, we held our PFA Summer Fair, which was once again a huge success. I would like to thank all of the families that came to support the school. I am sure you enjoyed the gunging of the teachers as much as the children did! Maybe next year we can shake it up a bit and ask for volunteers for ‘Gunge the Parents’ too? Answers on a postcard please! I would like to say thank you to Mr Jennison for being a great sport and allowing people to throw wet sponges at him with Mr Thorp! You are a star! 

    Also, this week, our Year 4 learners enjoyed an exciting trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the children represented the school so beautifully. One of the best things about working in education is when children make priceless comments like the golden moment from this trip - ‘Isn’t nature beautiful. I think this is my favourite day now.’ We are so proud to be able to make positive memories with our fantastic learners. 

    By the time you read this, we will also have rocked out at our Rocksteady concert – another wonderful opportunity for children to showcase their talents. 

    On Monday and Wednesday of next week, we are holding our Progress Evenings. If you are unable to attend either of these days, your child’s class teacher will contact you to make a telephone appointment at a mutually convenient time.  

    Also next week, we will be holding our annual transition days in which learners will spend time with their new teachers. These will be Wednesday to Friday. I hope that your child has a wonderful time and is buzzing for the new year when they leave on Friday. 

    For posts on the events above and more, please head over to X. We are delighted to see that more and more people are accessing this and supporting our learners. 

    Have a wonderful weekend. I will see you next week as we head into our final fortnight of this academic year! 

    Mrs Preston 

    Head of School

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