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Penshurst Primary School

Weekly Blog

On this page you will find a weekly blog from Mrs Preston, Head of School.

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  • WEEK 26 - Friday 12 April 2024

    Published 12/04/24

    Welcome back to the final term. I am incredibly excited to see what the Summer term has to offer. One thing I know for sure - I will be frantically walking the corridors of Penshurst in a bid to burn off all of my Easter indulgence! 

    I hope you managed to make some lovely memories over the Easter break and I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing these with your children this week. 

    Lots of information to share this week! 


    Message from Mrs Smith – Head Gardener and Eco-Extraordinaire! 

    It is that time of year again when gardening club get really busy with planting - we are always really pleased with the many items we get donated and would ask that if you find yourself with spare/preloved items, such as pots, planters, tools that you will donate them to us, along with any seeds, cuttings, plants. please leave for the attention of Mrs Smith or Mrs Holmes. 

    Many thanks  

    Mrs Smith 


    A reminder that the PFA Bingo Night will be held on Wednesday 24th April. You will, by now, have received information about this. We would love you to come and support this event to raise funds for the Year 2 trip to  


    Health and Safety Update (Measles) 

    Measles continues to be on the increase in the UK. Since the 5th February there have been 192 laboratory confirmed cases of measles, with 13 of them in Yorkshire and the Humber.  

    Advice to give to parents: If a child has measles, they should stay off nursery or school for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears, and avoid close contact with babies and anyone who is pregnant or has a weakened immune system. They need to see a GP and should alert the GP surgery before attending since measles spreads easily. Clinicians are required to notify all suspected measles cases as soon as possible to their local health protection team (HPT), both as part of surveillance and so that timely public health management can be undertaken.  

    Measles is caused by a virus, there is no specific medical treatment for it. The virus has to run its course. A child who is sick should drink plenty of liquids, get lots of rest, and stay home from school, daycare, and other community or group activities to prevent spreading the infection.  

    The main symptom of measles is a red-brown blotchy rash. Patients may have cold-like symptoms for a few days before the rash appears. The initial symptoms of measles develop around 10 days after infection. These can include: cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing and a cough, sore, red eyes that may be sensitive to light, a high temperature (fever), which may reach around 40C, small greyish-white spots on the inside of the cheeks. A few days later, a red-brown blotchy rash will appear. This usually starts on the head or upper neck before spreading outwards to the rest of the body. 

    Please follow government guidelines if you child has measles.  

    Have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 25 - Friday 22 March 2024

    Published 22/03/24

    This week has been another busy one with exciting activities and learning taking place at Penshurst, much of which, you can follow on X (formerly Twitter). 

    • This week has been an incredibly sporty one with 2 days of football events taking place at Hymers on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Year 5/6 boys were up first and after an exhausting and competitive day, were defeated on penalties. Next, the Year 5/6 girls took to the field and were triumphant in winning their play-off section! Both teams were a credit to the school and a credit to our families.  


    • As I drove to work this morning, I noticed our excited Year 5 pupils heading in the opposite direction on their Harry Potter trip. I wish them a wonderful visit and can’t wait to hear all about it when they return to school after Easter. 

    • Sadly, the typical British weather stopped play for our Holi colour festival on Wednesday. Some year groups are choosing to ‘play it by ear’ and see what the weather is doing each day. Rest assured, a child sporting an array of bright colours will be heading home to you in the near future.  

    In other news: 

    • We have again noticed that energy drinks/Prime drinks have been creeping into packed lunch boxes. Please do not send your child with one of these as they are laced with caffeine, stimulants and sugars which, as confirmed by the NHS website, are not healthy or suitable for children. Please continue to provide water for the classroom and a juice drink or water for lunch. We will replace any energy drinks with water and return them to the pupil at the end of the day. Thank you for your cooperation. 

    • Please note, we have a reported case of Headlice in Year 6.  

    I hope you all have a lovely Easter break, filled with chocolate and quality down-time, and I look forward to welcoming you back on the 8th April. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 24 - Friday 15 March 2024

    Published 15/03/24

    As we wrap up another eventful week here at Penshurst, we wanted to take a moment to share some of the highlights.

    Red Nose Day: On Friday, Red Nose Day was celebrated with a dazzling sea of crimson schnozzles. This year, we took the difficult decision to not dress up for this event as it was very close to the previous dress-up event, and we are conscious of the burden that this may place on our families.

    Rocksteady Concert: The stage was set alight this week as our budding rockstars took centre stage for the much-anticipated Rocksteady concert. From electrifying guitar solos to soulful vocals and groovy beats, our students captivated the audience with their musical prowess and infectious energy. It was truly inspiring to witness their confidence and passion shine through as they showcased months of hard work and dedication. A huge round of applause to all involved in this event.

    Once again, I would like to direct you to X (formerly Twitter) where you will see a range of fantastic learning opportunities that have taken place this week.

    Next week

    We are delighted to share some exciting upcoming events that promise to ignite the imagination and showcase our students' sporting prowess. From magical adventures to exhilarating matches, there's something for everyone to look forward to!

    Harry Potter World Trip for Year 5: Calling all aspiring witches and wizards! Our Year 5 students are in for a magical treat as they embark on an enchanting journey to Harry Potter World. Set against the backdrop of the iconic wizarding universe created by J.K. Rowling, this trip promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with wonder, excitement, and endless opportunities for adventure. From exploring the hallowed halls of Hogwarts to sampling butterbeer at Hogsmeade, our students will immerse themselves in the spellbinding world of magic and mystery. We can't wait to see the awe and delight on their faces as they step into the pages of one of literature's most beloved tales.

    Year 5 and 6 Boys and Girls Football Event at Hymers: On the sporting front, our Year 5 and 6 boys and girls are gearing up to showcase their skills and teamwork at the football event hosted by Hymers. With their eyes set on victory and their spirits high, our teams are ready to take on the competition and demonstrate the true essence of sportsmanship and camaraderie. Win or lose, we know that our students will give it their all and make us proud with their passion, determination, and grace.

    Here's to many more weeks filled with laughter, learning, and memorable moments ahead. Have a super weekend!

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 23 - Friday 8 March 2024

    Published 08/03/24

    As we reach the end of another busy week, I would firstly like to thank you for embracing the spirit of World Book Day this week and encouraging your children to dress up as their favourite literary characters or a key word. This has supported your child in a number of ways: 

    • Fostering a Love for Reading: Your active participation in World Book Day sends a powerful message to your children about the importance of literature. You've supported us in showing them that reading is not just a task but a source of joy and inspiration. 

    • Building Confidence and Creativity: The creativity displayed in the costumes was nothing short of amazing! From adventurous pirates to enchanting wizards, each outfit reflected the unique personality and imagination of your child. By supporting their choice to dress as a word, you've not only encouraged creativity but also boosted their confidence to express themselves in a fun and imaginative way. 

    • Promoting a Sense of Community: Your active involvement in World Book Day has contributed to building a sense of community within our school. The collective effort to celebrate literature and showcase the diverse characters from beloved stories fosters a spirit of togetherness and unity. 

    Thanks also to Hessle Bookshop who visited Penshurst this week to help our avid readers exchange their book tokens for exciting reads. I look forward to the learners sharing these with me. 

    As I mentioned last Friday, a number of our learners attended a special bowling event that day in which they competed against schools from across the city. I would like to offer my sincere apologies as in my excitement to tell you about the event, I omitted to mention that not only did Penshurst win first place in the competition, but one of our fabulous learners in Year 2 (who had never been bowling before) scored the highest in the whole competition! What an incredible achievement! Let’s hope this becomes an Olympic sport! 

    A full range of exciting learning opportunities can be viewed by heading over to X. Happy browsing and see you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 22 - Friday 1 March 2024

    Published 01/03/24

    I am excited to share with you a brief recap of a number of events that have taken place this week.

    TCAT Learner Conference (Thursday, February 29th):

    The TCAT Learner Conference was a fantastic opportunity for a random selection of our learners to engage with various learning experiences and gain insights into their educational journey. The event featured interactive workshops, informative presentations, and engaging discussions that were focused on the theme of Sustainability. I was incredibly proud to witness Penshurst learners amongst the most enthusiastic attendees to share their ideas.

    The conference fostered an environment where teachers, and learners from across the Trust could collaborate to support the academic and personal development of each learner. We believe that such events contribute significantly to the success of our educational community.

    SEND Bowling Event (Friday, March 1st):

    On Friday, March 1st, the SEND bowling event aimed to celebrate diversity and promote an atmosphere of camaraderie among learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It was heartening to see learners of all abilities come together to enjoy a day of fun and friendly competition on the bowling lanes.

    Year 5 transition workshop (Friday, March 1st):

    Education is a journey, and for learners, transitioning from primary to secondary school marks a significant milestone. Recognising the importance of a smooth transition, the dedicated staff of Penshurst collaborated with the Head of Year 7 at Hessle High School and arranged a workshop that aimed to ease the transition process, create a seamless educational experience, and foster a supportive learning environment.

    The workshop covered a range of topics, including academic expectations, extracurricular activities, and the social aspects of transitioning to a larger school. The goal was to demystify the secondary school experience, address any concerns learners may have, and create a positive anticipation for the next chapter in their educational journey.

    We look forward to future opportunities to create enriching experiences for our learners.

    As always, head over to our X page for the full range of exciting learning experiences this week! See you next week!

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 21 - Friday 23 February 2024

    Published 23/02/24

    Welcome back to another half term. I hope that you managed to enjoy some quality family time together last week, despite the poor weather.

    I would like to start by thanking the Year 6 parents who were in attendance at the information evening on Monday. I hope you found it informative and that we were able to answer any queries that you may have.

    On Tuesday night, we were dazzled by a sea of party clothes as we welcomed our boogying pupils into the Friendship Disco. I’m not sure who enjoyed dancing most – the children or Miss Careless! Mr Key and Mr Thorp were also throwing some funky shapes whilst DJing too! It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces come together in one place. Thank you for supporting this event which helped to raise funds for the Year 6 residential trip.

    Also on Tuesday, we hosted the Year 5 football match against Kirkella. The playing from both teams was excellent although it was a worth win for Kirkella.

    As always, if you would like to see what your children have been learning this week, please head over to X (formerly Twitter) where you will see an array of exciting activities that have taken place.

    Polite reminder:

    It is forbidden for scooters and bikes to be ridden at any point on the school grounds, by either pupils or parents. I am sure you can appreciate that this is for the safety of all pedestrians. Thank you for your cooperation.

    Once again, I would like to remind you that if there is an issue with parking on the roads around the school, please call 111 and report this to the police. I would also suggest that photographic evidence is obtained. Please note that the school have neither the staff to man the streets nor the power to issue fines.


    This week there is an exciting FREE art exhibition happening in Ferens Art Gallery -Hull, I'm sure our budding artists (and their families) would enjoy it so I've outlined the details below.

    Jason Wilsher-Mills: Are We There Yet?

    24th February 2024 - 2nd June 2024

    Join us at the Ferens for a colourful journey into the imagination and experiences of disabled artist Jason Wilsher-Mills!

    Created in response to disabled communities in Hull, Wakefield and Manchester, Jason’s theatrical portraits and sculptures reflect aspects of his personality, memory, and disability. This family friendly exhibition is suitable for all ages and includes Augmented Reality (AR) and interactive experiences.

    Jason’s fun, empowering and insightful creations will excite and move you. Through this exhibition you’ll gain a greater understanding of our world and how those with disabilities experience it.

    Alongside the exhibition will be an exciting and accessible programme of events and activities for all ages. This includes a talk by Jason in May, baby sensory sessions, storytelling, relaxed openings, workshops delivered by artists, and craft sessions.

    Jason Wilsher-Mills: Are We There Yet? – Hull Museums and Galleries


    Did you know that every Saturday, starting from this weekend, Humber Street Gallery are running 'Arty Bods' workshops? Aimed at children 5-11 they cost £5 a session (or pay what you can).


    It goes without saying that if you do attend one of these sessions, we'd love to hear about it!

    Have a fabulous weekend. I look forward to seeing you next week!

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 20 - Friday 9 February 2024

    Published 09/02/24

    We have reached the final week of this half term, and it has been busier than ever! 

    On Twitter, you will discover a wide variety of exciting activities including: Nursery pupils comparing the size of objects relating to Goldilocks and the Three Bears; Reception pupils creating Transient Art using loose objects; Year 1 creating Positive Affirmation posters during their Wellbeing Afternoon; Year 2 learning all about health, the positive effects of exercise, and testing what it does to your heart rate; Year 3 using Digimaps to explore human and physical landmarks; Year 4 creating incredible tie-dye masterpieces in Art; Year 5 engaging in activities that explore what is fair and unfair / kind and unkind, and demonstrating how to empathise with others; Year 6 becoming news reporters and composing a report about natural disasters in the local area; and our Gardening Club working incredibly hard to prepare the raised beds for planting new seeds 

    Our Year 6 Parent Information Evening will take place on Monday 19 February at 4.30pm. If you have a child in Year 6, you will have already received notification of this, but we will also send a reminder during the half term break. During this session, you will be given essential information about the statutory Year 6 SATs tests, details on how we prepare for this in school and advice on how you can support your child through this period.  


    • The current cycle of after-school clubs is now finished. New clubs will begin after half term (week commencing 26th February). Please note there will be no clubs in the week commencing 19th February 

    • We have had a report of head-lice in Year 4. We would advise that you check your child’s hair should you have any concerns and treat accordingly. 

    I look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 19th February! 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 19 - Friday 2 February 2024

    Published 02/02/24

    This week has been another exciting learning week for our Penshurst Learners, who have participated in a huge range of activities, including: Nursery making porridge for the 3 bears as part of their Goldilocks and the Three Bears week; Reception tasting a variety for exotic fruits and considering the best vocabulary to describe them; Year 1 looking at oceans and seas surrounding the UK and learning about the 10 commandments in RE; Year 2 creating wonderful music on glockenspiels; Year 4 learning all about lines of latitude and longitude in Geography; Year 5 learning all about Ancient Greeks and engaging in hot seating discussions; Year 6 dissecting animal hearts; and our budding gardeners harvesting some of the produce from the allotment. This is to name but a few. Head over to our Twitter page to find out more.  

    Year 6 parents will have received a letter this week informing them of an information session after half term. In this session, we will give information about what can be expected in SATs, let you know how you can support your child, supply you with some useful resources to support your child and answer any questions that you may have. We would encourage all Year 6 parents to attend this insightful session.  

    Just a reminder that next week is the final week of this half term.  

    Have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 18 - Friday 26 January 2024

    Published 26/01/24

    Congratulations to all who made it to the school gates this week without being blown away in the process! I do hope you have all managed to (literally) weather the storm this week. At one point, I did lay awake in fear of my 220 year old chimney! 

    As always, a whole host of exciting activities have been taking place in our classrooms this week. Year 1 have been experimenting with primary colours and using these to create artwork inspired by Piet Mondrian. Year 3 have learnt all about how shadows are formed in Science, and have investigated whether opaque, translucent and transparent objects cast them. Year 4 have been learning about different parts of the digestive system and have new words in their vocabulary bank such as Bolus, Oesophagus and Enzymes. For more information on all of our latest learning, please visit our X (formerly Twitter) page! 

    Your child may have come home and mentioned a new resource that we have introduced this week called Reading Plus. This is designed to increase reading fluency and also improve comprehension. We will be allocating time within the school day for your child to access this, but they are also able to do so at home. Before your child can really get their teeth into it, they must sit an initial assessment which we have timetabled over the past week. Once they have completed this, you will receive further information including your child’s login details. Please feel free to use this in addition to, or instead of, your child’s Reading Record. Thank you for your continued support.  

    Last week, at the time of writing my Blog, our boys’ football team were battling against Brough Primary and it was a narrow defeat at 4-3 to Brough. Once again, a huge well done to our brilliant team. 

    In other news: 

    As previously mentioned, when driving on the school site, please remember that there is a 5mph speed limit. There is a sharp, blind bend on the drive, and we have staff who cycle along this daily. Please note that if this limit is not adhered to, permission will not be granted to access the drive. Thank you for helping to keep us safe. 

    All that remains is to wish you a fantastic weekend. See you next week! 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 17 - Friday 19 January 2024

    Published 19/01/24

    This week has been a week of greeting little red noses and rosy cheeks as the learners have been in and out of the building in the freezing temperatures. Whilst it is dry and not too slippery underfoot, we will continue to encourage the learners to get fresh air outdoors at break and lunchtime. Therefore, please ensure your child comes to school in clothing and footwear that is suitable for the conditions.

    Last week, as I was typing the blog, the Year 5/6 girl’s football team were busy battling against Anlaby Primary in a match. After an exciting and competitive game with some excellent skills exhibited, we were unfortunately defeated, by one Anlaby pupil scoring an epic 7 goals! Move over Millie Bright!

    As I type this, our 5/6 boys are battling on the field against Brough Primary. Let’s wish them lots of luck!

    I am looking forward to sporting fixtures increasing over the coming weeks and will keep you up to date with our progress. For now, I hope you have a super weekend and will see you on Monday.

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • Week 16 - Friday 12 January 2024

    Published 12/01/24

    It was lovely to welcome parents and learners back this week after what I hope was an enjoyable and restful break.  

    We have launched back into our sporting fixtures this week with the Year 5/6 girls cup match Vs Anlaby Primary on Friday afternoon. At the time of writing this, the match had not yet taken place so I will keep you posted on the results next week.  

    Speaking of PE, previously, we have communicated that thanks to your generosity, we now have plenty of spare uniform at school (bigger sizes still welcome). However, we would be very grateful if you could donate any PE kit items that no longer fit your child (e.g. house-coloured or white t-shirts, shorts, jogging bottoms etc). Black school shoes would also be welcomed. 

    Why do people go into teaching? Obviously, there are many different reasons, but I’m fairly confident that should you ask staff at Penshurst, the most common ones would be a love of spending time with children and making a difference to their lives, and a desire to support younger generations to better themselves and reach their full potential. You put your trust in us each and every day by leaving your children in our care, and it is an honour to be able to educate, nurture and support them. Daily, we reflect on our school values with the learners, and the staff work tirelessly to role-model these to them. Furthermore, we absolutely love chatting to our parents and believe that we have a positive, respectful relationship with our local community. Mutual respect is paramount in maintaining this type of relationship and staff carefully consider their approach towards parents in any difficult circumstances. We are very fortunate that in 99% of our conversations with parents, staff receive the same mutual respect back. We politely remind you that we all want the best for your children and that the only way to achieve this is to ensure mutual respect and consideration is present. Thank you.  

    Enjoy the weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 15 - Thursday 21 December 2023

    Published 21/12/23

    We have just wrapped up the final week of what has been an incredibly long term.

    Changes to staff, the curriculum, the environment.... you name it and we have undergone it. We are seeing some really wonderful work being produced from our hard-working learners and look forward to seeing what they are capable of next year.

    This week, the productions came to a close with Years 2 and 3 keeping up the festivities on Monday and Tuesday and Years 4, 5 and 6 closing the events on Thursday at the church. The first time I heard the singing properly was at the rehearsal on Wednesday and it really brought a smile to my face. I am sure the same happened to you if you were in attendance.

    Our EYFS has been busy this week with our January starters to the Nursery attending a stay and play session with parents, as well as our Reception Year pupils getting stuck into a Christmas Craft afternoon with their parents on Wednesday.

    Our Christmas Advent Calendar stories are still available to watch. We really hope you are enjoying snuggling down and viewing them with your children each day. These will run right up to Christmas Eve.

    On behalf of all of the staff at Penshurst, we would like to wish you lots of love and the merriest of Christmases. See you in 2024!

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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