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Penshurst Primary School

Weekly Blog

On this page you will find a weekly blog from Mrs Preston, Head of School.

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  • WEEK 14 - Friday 15 December 2023

    Published 15/12/23

    Our penultimate week has been yet another busy one.  

    We kicked off the week with a wonderful performance from Chaplins Panto. ‘Oh no you didn’t!’ we hear you cry! (Sorry!!).  

    Our beautiful Reception / Year 1 productions were held this week and I would like to thank all who attended to support the pupils in their superstar roles. 

    Our annual Christmas lunch was held on Wednesday and I thoroughly enjoyed boogying down the aisles to festive music whilst the pupils tucked into a delicious Christmas Dinner.  

    Today, our wonderful Rocksteady Band will perform to their parents after rehearsing for months to reach stardom. As I type this, this event is yet to happen but I am sure it will have been a fabulous one.  

    In other news: 

    'Responsibility' is one of our core values and I have recently spoken to all our pupils about the need to take a collective responsibility for ensuring that all rubbish and packaging is properly disposed of in the dining hall at lunchtime.  I am pleased that the pupils have responded positively to this.  I was particularly pleased that Year 6 pupils engaged with this discussion maturely and saw the need for everyone to take responsibility and to respect our school.  We have also added some additional supervision into the canteen to ensure that these standards are maintained. 


    Once again, I have been asked to remind parents about safe driving and parking down Winthorpe Road and Penshurst Avenue. Thank you to parents who are now reporting any dangerous activity to the police – they are the ones that can enforce fines etc so please ensure this is the step that you take should you see something of concern. A powerful way to look at it is ‘What if it were my child that was involved in an accident that I caused?’. Thank you for supporting us in ensuring all pupils are safe. 

    Next Thursday (21st), please remember that school closes at 2pm. As this is not the normal finishing time, pupils will not be allowed to walk home alone and will need to be collected. Thank you in advance.  

    Next week, you will receive your child’s termly report with their current grade. I know that the wording of this has caused some confusion previously so I wanted to offer some clarification on here. If your child is graded as B, this means that they are working significantly below where they should be at this point in the year. If they are a W, they are working towards where they should be but accessing some of the work successfully. If they are graded as N, this means that they are currently on track to reach National Standard (at least where they should be at the end of their year) and where they should be. If they are A, they are smashing the current work and accessing challenge activities. Should you need any further clarification on this, please contact your child’s class teacher. Thank you.  

    Have a super weekend and I will see you next week for our final week of the term. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 13 - Friday 8 December 2023

    Published 11/12/23

    Penshurst has been jingling all the way to the weekend this week as our productions are underway. My favourite part of this week was attempting to greet all of the Nursery parents whilst 40+ 3-4 year olds tried to get the attention of their mums and dads behind me. Seeing all of the nativity characters really brought back memories of being a little girl in primary school and what a wonderful time (for most) this is.  

    Alongside this, we held Christmas Jumper day on Thursday which was a delight to see. What a wonderful variety of attire we have to choose from now for the festive period. Often, our faves are the ones that we can see have been lovingly made by families together at home. We would always encourage these, especially in these difficult financial times.  

    Another lovely sight was as I drove back down Winthorpe Road after attending a meeting offsite this week, see the Reception pupils trundling to the Post Office on their annual trip to deliver their Christmas lists to Santa. Fingers crossed he gets to read them all in time for the big night! 

    Mrs Smith encouraged pupils to cycle or scoot to school this week as we held our annual Bling Your Bike event. The hot chocolate and festive cheer were flowing! 

    Finally, the PFA held their annual Christmas Movie Night for Years 3-6, at which our pupils could enjoy a showing of Home Alone – possibly the best Christmas movie of all time.  

    Speaking of Christmas (a lot!), we have received a few emails expressing the disappointment at only one parent being able to attend the Years 4-6 Christmas production at the church. I must stress that this is a restriction that has been enforced by the church and not the school. We have 207 pupils in the production and initially, the church stipulated 150 in the audience. We managed to negotiate one per family but they will not accommodate more for safety reasons. We were only told this recently which is why we have been unable to explore other options such as additional productions. Should this be the case next year, we will have more time to look into the possibility of extra events etc. Thank you for your understanding. 

    Polite reminder: Children in Reception year, Year 1 and Year 2 should enter the school in a morning via their classroom doors, and children in Key Stage 2 should enter via the KS2 doors. The doors at the side of the main school reception will not be open. I will reiterate this in an assembly but would be grateful if you could please inform your child of this so that they are not stood waiting. Thank you.  

    With the run up to Christmas, there are many families accessing the Disney+ app to watch films.  As with any apps, there are potential risks.  

    Please see attached more information on what to look out for. 

    Have a wonderful weekend and as always, I look forward to seeing you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 12 - Friday 1 December 2023

    Published 01/12/23

    Things are really ramping up in the run-up to Christmas here at Penshurst! 

    Nursery have held their Stay and Play sessions with parents, Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their visit from the Planetarium, which supports their learning all about Space. One of my favourite moments of this week was the magic that happened in EYFS on Thursday. Our little learners were all settled, listening to their teachers read a story about the first kiss of snow, when what should happen? They looked out of the window and observed a flurry of exactly that! Yes, the teachers really did make that just happen! 😊 

    Today, you will have received the first of our Advent Calendar stories to share with your child. Mrs Whitaker had the wonderful idea of creating an advent calendar bursting with Christmas stories, read by our brilliant team, for you to listen to. I hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed making them! 

    The East Riding Music Hub have asked us to share some information about a signing choir that they would like to create. If you feel that your child would like to be part of this, please click on the following information and complete the application form. Thank you. 

    ERYC Music Letter.pdf  Application form V2 - music.docx 

    I hope you have a super first weekend of December and I look forward to seeing you next week. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 11 - Friday 24 November 2023

    Published 24/11/23

    Another exciting and busy week this week.  

    Year 3 welcomed a visitor in this week to learn all about the Romans. This evening, a selection of our pupils will take part in performing at the Hessle Lights Switch On. This is always a great way to get into the Christmas spirit!  

    Thank you for your support in moving our Pupil of the Week assemblies to a Friday afternoon. We decided on the end of the day for two reasons – so that the core learning of Reading, Writing and Maths was not disturbed in the morning, and also to support parents with collecting their pupils at home time. Please note that if your child has earned Pupil of the Week, you will need to collect them in the normal way at 3.10pm. Unfortunately, we cannot facilitate parents walking back to classrooms for safeguarding reasons. Thank you for your cooperation.  

    Message from the PFA: 

    Friday saw a sea of comfy shoes as we hosted Comfy Feet Friday in aid of the Christmas Fair. Thank you so much for all of your generous donations. My eyes nearly popper out of my head when I saw the haul that had been collected. 

    Polite reminders: 

    If you have permission to drive on the school site (due to disabilities, Aces collection etc.), please do remember that there is a strict 5mph speed limit. Although pupils do not walk down the drive, the bends make it difficult to see what may be coming in the opposite direction and there have been near-misses. Thank you.  

    Note about the Graduate Award from Mr Thorp: 

    At Penshurst, sparking enthusiasm for learning and ensuring our children develop strong foundational skills stand as our top priorities. To foster academic scholarship and ignite a passion for knowledge, we’re reintroducing the Graduate Awards as a core component of our homework studies. This initiative will empower students across all year groups to actively pursue success and take ownership of their learning journey. 

    Every week, teachers, alongside pupils, will select a topic from our comprehensive resource library, directly linked to their ongoing classroom education. Students are encouraged to prepare for the Graduate Awards using resource sheets provided by their class teacher and each Friday, students will have the chance to showcase their learning through participation in a quiz. 

    The Graduate Awards system operates as follows: 

    1 graduate pass equals 1 token. 5 tokens can be exchanged for a bronze badge.  

    15 tokens (or 1 bronze badge and 10 tokens) can be exchanged for a silver badge.  

    25 tokens (or 1 silver badge and 10 tokens) can be exchanged for a gold badge.  

    Upon achieving a silver badge, pupils are invited to participate in an additional Head of School Award. In this special recognition, children will delve into a 'Little People, Big Dreams' book and undergo a quiz hosted by Mrs Preston, offering a unique opportunity to celebrate their academic accomplishments further. Success in this will result in a specially designed postcard to take home. There are over 100 books that the pupils can choose from. 


    This week I have attached information about free online courses which look at a range of issues that can occur for parents in different situations, including those who are separating.  You can scan the QR code to set up a free account and to access the online resources.    

    Have a super weekend and see you next week.   

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 10 - Friday 17 November 2023

    Published 17/11/23

    One of the highlights for me this week was seeing a sea of bright and spotty pupils supporting Children in Need. I love how creative our families are with dress-up days and thank you for your continued support

    It is always so wonderful to hear about exciting and engaging activities and events that the pupils have taken part in, and this week, Year 6 welcomed a visitor from Histrionics, who captivated our learners whilst talking about World War II. I’m not sure who was more excited – the pupils or Mrs Whitaker, who beamed from ear to ear when she relayed the day’s events to me.

    We were pleased to welcome parents of our Year 4 learners into school this week to learn all about the Year 4 Multiplication Check, which became statutory a couple of years ago. Thank you to all of the parents who attended this event to find out how to support their child’s learning.

    Polite reminder:

    If your child requires a school meal, and has an appointment or will arrive at school after 9:30, this meal must be pre-ordered, please contact the office to do so. Thank you.

    One again, I must remind parents about driving and parking respectfully when dropping off and collecting your children. As communicated previously, we are unable to ‘man’ the streets as we are busy safeguarding and teaching your children in school. We are now directing residents and other parents to the police with photos of any concerns. Thank you for your understanding.

    Have a super weekend, and see you all next week.

    Message from the PFA – thank you for supporting our Film Night, we hope the children enjoyed it!

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 9 - Friday 10 November 2023

    Published 10/11/23

    Welcome to a brand new half term – many would argue the best time at primary school due to the lead up to Christmas. This week has been a busy one and it doesn’t look like we are taking our foot off the pedal next week either!  

    Year 6 started their bikeability training, which will finish next week. The learners have been extremely productive and industrious in the classroom, and you can see some super examples of this on X (formerly Twitter) if you follow @PenshurstSchool. The PFA also held a Monster Mash disco and it was, as always, very well attended. 

    Next week, (Monday 13th) the PFA will hold a film night for Years 3 & 4, on Thursday, Year 4 parents are invited in for the Multiplication Workshop to go through everything you need to know about the statutory multiplication tables check that Year 4 pupils take each year. Also on Thursday, our Year 6 pupils will take part in a Histrionics workshop, and then to top it off, Friday brings us Children in Need. Your child is invited to dress in bright clothes, spots, or Pudsey inspired clothing, to raise money for this wonderful cause.  

    Polite reminder: 

    PE kits should be brought into school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. We have an increasing number of pupils who are not bringing theirs. Please check your child’s bag before coming to school on a Monday morning. Thank you. 

    Looking ahead: 

    It is the Brake Road Safety week commencing 19 November, to coincide with this, and because the nights are drawing in, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Road Safety Team are offering to give out some bike lights, to our pupils who cycle to school, to keep them safe. This will take place on the Wednesday morning that week. 

    Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 8 - Thursday 26 October 2023

    Published 26/10/23

    We have finally reached week 8 of a very long half term, and what a half term it has been.  

    There have been many changes as we have introduced a new curriculum model for Geography, History, DT, Art and Science. It was wonderful to hear so many parents telling their child’s teacher at progress evening about how much their child is teaching them, and I look forward to chatting with pupils from each year group in November to see what they have remembered. 

    This week, we held our Open Evening for children starting school in September 2024, which allowed new families to come and view what we have to offer. We had many visitors, and they were even greeted by two special guests – Marlowe and Sherlock (the wellbeing dogs), which went down a treat! 

    When we return from the half term break, our Reception Phonics Workshop will be held on Tuesday 7 November between 15:30 and 16:00.  

    Polite reminders and notices:  

    • Juice is allowed in packed lunches, but water should be sent in bottles for the pupils to access in the classroom. Teachers have been asked to check this. Thank you. 

    • We have had a case of headlice in Year 5. Please check your child’s hair and treat accordingly if you notice anything.  

    • Parents are not permitted on site between 3:30 and 4 as the gates will be closed then. This does include whilst football clubs are practising on the fields. Thank you for your understanding.  

    Operations - we are currently changing online payment providers as mentioned in correspondence to you recently. ParentPay will cease taking payments on Thursday 26 October at 2pm. After this time, payment can only be made via ArborPay. Please do this by logging into your parent account. 

    Mrs Greenley, Operations Manager 

    Safeguarding - there are lots of activities and events during the school holidays in Hull and the East Riding. You can find a full list of all special events and activities at local attractions and from local clubs and classes, both free and paid for to keep your little ones entertained during the school holidays. If you need childcare then there is also a list of the school holiday workshops, clubs and camps running locally here Hull and East Riding Mumbler 

    PFA - the Monster Mash Disco will take place on Wednesday 8 November. Please refer to the previous communication for times and further details. 

    Have a wonderful half term, and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 6 November.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 7 - Friday 20 October 2023

    Published 20/10/23

    This week, we held the first of our progress evenings and it was so lovely to welcome so many of you to our school, and see you leaving with smiles on your faces. By the end of the second night, I was starving after hearing about all of the families that were going to McDonalds to celebrate! If you haven’t managed to attend a session with your child’s class teacher to discuss your child’s education, please note that they will be arranging telephone calls with you. Additionally, if you haven’t completed the questionnaire yet, please do so here. 

    I have been informed that a very small minority of parents have been cycling down the path and around the school site. Please note that bikes and scooters are not to be ridden on the site, and we work hard to instil this rule into our learners for the health and safety of all stakeholders. I am sure you join us in wanting to set a good example. Please note that you will be approached and asked to dismount by a member of staff. Thank you. 

    Next week, we will hold our Open Event for children starting Reception year in September 2024. This event will be held on Wednesday 25 October and will start with a welcome in the main hall by our lovely EYFS leaders, and will move into the Reception area for you to have a good look around.  

    See you next week for the final week before half term. Reminder that the school is closed on Friday 27 October for staff training. I hope you have a super weekend. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 6 - Friday 13 October 2023

    Published 13/10/23

    We have had an incredibly busy week at Penshurst this week.  

    Year 4 had a super time making pizzas (and an even better time eating them!). Pop over to our X (previously Twitter) posts to see what else we have been up to. @PenshurstSchool 

    On Tuesday, our Girls Football Team took part in a tournament. Most of the 10 girls who competed had never played an actual game prior to this and conducted themselves brilliantly. Despite their incredibly hard work, we didn't win the tournament and were up against some tough competition. However, we did manage to finish in 6th place! Some fantastic solo runs and a couple of great goals from Clara (Y6) gave us a fighting chance. 

    Our pupils had their annual flu vaccines and the medical team administering them would like me to pass on how awesome your children were – to the point where even EYFS and Year 1 pupils were able to give their address, month of birth and parents names. What superstars we have! 

    Next week, please remember that we have Progress Evenings on Monday and Wednesday. 

    I would like to give you advanced warning that after half term, Pupil of the Week will move to a Friday afternoon. We feel that this would be a wonderful way for the pupils to end their week, and less of an inconvenience for parents if they could simply take their children home afterwards. Thank you for your continued understanding and support of this wonderful celebration.  

    Here is a recent article about the risks of children vaping that we thought would be useful for you to take a moment to read.

    Some of the children are referring to "hit the blinker" referring to taking a hit for the longest amount of time that the battery will allow (before it blinks). 

    Other children are purchasing vapes from the Tik Tok shop that look like marker pens, these have high levels of concentrated nicotine which cause a 'high' when inhaled.  

    Children 'so addicted to vapes they can't last lesson without one' - as mother of teenager who died issues warning | UK News | Sky News 


    Children 'so addicted to vapes they can't last lesson without one' - as mother of teenager who died issues warning 

    Headteacher Tony McCabe had the vape sensors fitted in the toilets at St Joseph's High School in Horwich, Bolton. He says a ban will go a long way to helping the problem - but students say it will push vaping underground. 

    No Electric Scooters on site  

    A polite reminder to advise that electric scooters are not allowed on the school site.  

    Here is some guidance from the police website: 

    Advice on e-scooter usage | ( 

    What is an e-scooter? 

    Electrical scooters (also known as e-scooters) come under the category of “powered transporters”; this covers a range of personal transport devices which are powered by a motor. 

    E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Which means the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters including the need to have a licence, insurance and tax. 

    It's not currently possible to get insurance for privately owned e-scooters, which means it's illegal to use them on the road or in public spaces. If you're using a private e-scooter you risk the vehicle being seized under S.165 Road Traffic Act 1988 for no insurance.  

    If you cause serious harm to another person whilst riding an e-scooter the incident will be investigated in the same way it would if you were riding a motorcycle or driving a car. 

    Have a wonderful (supposedly sunny) weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 5 - Friday 6 October 2023

    Published 06/10/23

    This Thursday, it was wonderful to see our pupils looking pristine and smiley as they entered the school ready for their photos being taken. Marlowe and Sherlock decided that they wanted a piece of the action, and here are the out-takes to make you smile! It must be tiring being this photogenic! 


    Next week, our Year 5/6 girls will be attending a football event at Wolfreton. We wish them all lots of luck! 

    Other notices: 

    We are excited to inform you that our progress evenings will be taking place on Monday 16 and Wednesday 18 October. The link to book these appointments has been sent and will become live at 6pm on Monday 9 October. Thank you. 

    We have noticed that after school, there are a number of pupils, and occasionally families, staying on the school site until after clubs. For safeguarding purposes, we will be vacating the playgrounds at 15:30 and closing the gates until 16:00 when clubs are released. Thank you for your cooperation. 

    Please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday and takes it home on a Friday. We have an increase in the number of pupils who are not bringing it in and PE is a legal requirement. Thank you for supporting us to maintain the health of your child. 

    Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week! 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 4 - Friday 29 September 2023

    Published 29/09/23

    Our sporty pupils have got off to a fantastic start this year; just this week, one particularly speedy Year 6 girl, Clara, made it through to the cross country finals (finishing 3rd in her heat), which are to be held at Cottingham High School. A massive well done to all who took part, and best of luck to Clara for the next round. 

    Next week (Tuesday 3rd), our Year 5/6 footballers take part in a match at Wolfreton. Best of luck to all playing. Having covered the Year 5 football club (in heels, badly) this week, I am confident that our team have the skills to smash it! 

    In other news, next week (Thursday 5th) your child will be having their individual school photographs taken. Please ensure they are wearing the correct uniform and their widest smiles! 

    Polite reminder: if someone else is collecting your child, please, whenever possible, inform the office or your child’s teacher before 12 noon so that these messages are passed on and you are not inconvenienced by having to wait. Thank you. 

    Prevent and Countering Extremism in Young People  

    Advice and Guidance for Parents and Carers 

    Any child could be susceptible to extremist narratives. 

    There are some factors that may make some children more susceptible than others. 

    Extremist groups tap into young people's insecurities and claim to offer answers and promise a sense of identity that young people often seek.  

    As part of their recruitment strategy, extremist groups also work to undermine the authority of parents and guardians. This is often done online whilst the children are playing games.  

    Please find attached further information regarding this here

    The weeks are speeding by! Have (another) fantastic weekend and see you next week for the next instalment! 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 3 - Friday 22 September 2023

    Published 22/09/23

    What a lovely week! This week, one of my favourite events of the year happened – the EYFS sorting ceremony! This is the time when our youngest pupils are organised into their houses for their time at Penshurst, and it is wonderful to see all of the excited faces, eager to take their turn. 

    I also had an amazing time on Thursday being introduced to Marlowe the Wellbeing Lab’s adorable baby brother, Sherlock! He arrived just in time for the KS1 pupils to come in from lunch, and every single one of the 140 faces beamed as soon as they saw the duo. So, without further ado, please meet Sherlock! Bet you smiled too!

    Next week, Year 5/6 boys and girls football clubs commence, and on Tuesday 26th, Penshurst will be participating in Cross Country at Wolfreton. We wish all of our budding sports personalities lots of luck! 

    In other news: 

    We are eager to be able to share with you all of the wonderful things that our pupils have been doing in and around school, and for those of you who follow us on X (formerly Twitter), you will have noticed that we have increased our volume of tweets (are these now called Xs). If you are not currently a follower, you can do so by searching @PenshurstSchool. 

    For parents of Year 1 pupils, you will notice that the blinds at the classroom windows are now closed at the end of the day when you collect your child. This safeguarding measure has been taken to alleviate the risk of any pupils sneaking past their teacher when they see their parents. Pupils will be released one at a time when their adult has been seen so that staff are confident that all pupils are accounted for. We politely remind parents to form an orderly line to make this process as swift and efficient as possible. Thank you for supporting us to safeguard your children.  

    Please see attached a guide for parents on the evolving nature of WhatsApp and the risks that this can pose.   

    I hope you and your families have a fantastic weekend. One of the things that I look forward to most about a fresh week is hearing all about what your amazing children have been doing. See you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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