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Penshurst Primary School

WEEK 1 - Friday 8 September 2023

Firstly, I hope you managed to have a wonderful break over summer and enjoy the pockets of sunshine. It's such a shame that the summer weather began on the last day of the holidays, but it wouldn’t be England if it didn’t! 

As with every year (it really doesn’t matter how many years of experience you have under your belt), the nerves set in for educators a few days before we come back into school, and this year was no exception. However, what comes alongside that is the excitement at seeing all of our wonderful pupils again. Tuesday was such a treat, seeing smiling faces flood in through the gates (and also on the faces of the parents flooding out again!). Following that, it has been a wonderful, calm start to the year and a pleasure to walk into classrooms to see our pupils old and new working incredibly hard and producing beautifully presented work.  

I would like to acknowledge some emails that we received over the summer break about the disappointment that the reports at the end of the year did not contain the extensive personal comment. If you recall, in alignment with other schools in the Trust, we made the change last year to publish the long report in the spring term so that you have an in-depth insight into how your children were getting on and what still needs to be done before the end of the year. The reports will follow the same format again this year so please look out for this.  

Housekeeping reminders please: 

  • Smart watches are not allowed in school for safeguarding reasons. 

  • Swearing on site is strictly prohibited. 

  • Rucksacks are too big for our pegs and classrooms. Book bags and drawstring bags are the only versions that we safely have room for.  

Have a super weekend and I will see you next week.  

Mrs Preston

Head of School