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Penshurst Primary School

WEEK 2 - Friday 15 September 2023

I cannot believe that we are at the end of week 2 already. Before we know it, Christmas will be upon us! 

This week, Year 4 completed their statutory swimming lessons at Haltemprice. I have heard many wonderful success stories and am delighted that once again, the pupils are able to learn how to keep themselves safe near or in water – such and important, valuable skill. 

Next week, our wonderful Reception pupils will take part in their sorting ceremony, in which they will be assigned to their new school houses. This is such a gorgeous event and I hope that all attendees have a fabulous time! 

Attendance for last week: 

Rec - 96.4,      Y1 - 92.8      Y2 - 97.2       Y3 - 98.3        Y4 - 94.3     Y5 - 96.1      Y6 - 93.6 

Well done to year 3 who are the winners of an extra break time next week!  

New behaviour System  
You may have noticed that we have started a new three-step behaviour system as follows: 

  1. Warn – Amber:  If a child displays low-level behaviours, they are given a verbal warning with a five minute restorative discussion on what they can do to fix their behaviours.   

  1. Consequence – Yellow card: If a behaviour continues, or the behaviour is deemed to be at a higher level, the child will receive a Yellow Card (consequence) and a 15 minute reflection time. The class teacher will contact the parent and email will be sent to notify them.  

  1. Remove – Red card: For higher level behaviours, a Red Card classroom removal is issued. At this point a child will complete their learning in a different classroom for the remainder of the morning or afternoon session. Additionally, they will lose the rest of their free time for that day. The class teacher will contact the parent and email will be sent to notify them.  

 Thank you for all your support ensuring that the children have settled into school amazingly.  

Also next week, Mr Hutchinson is holding the Y5 and 6 football trials. Again, good luck to those taking part. 

Safety notices: 

The School Streets scheme is still in enforcement along Seagran and Winthorpe Road. We are regularly receiving complaints from residents that parents are parking illegally during the restricted times along these streets. As I am sure you can appreciate, it is very difficult for school staff to man these as we are busy inside the building safeguarding and teaching your children. Therefore, the East Riding Council have requested that the police do spot-checks on these streets, which may result in a fine if you are parking illegally. Please observe the signs at the entrance to the streets and familiarise yourselves with the times. So far, we have been unsuccessful in recruiting parent volunteers to man this scheme. We would still welcome any support that you can give to make the streets safer for our pupils. If you feel that you would be able to support even one morning or afternoon session per week then please get in touch with the school office. Thank you. 

A polite reminder that cycling or scooting is forbidden on the school grounds as this is a safety concern. We politely request that all pedestrians are also aware of small children around them, particularly when running in bad weather, as it has been brought to my attention that a pupil was knocked over last week. Thank you for your continued support.  

I have no idea whether I should wish you fun in the sun or the rain this weekend, because the good old forecast changes every time I look. Whatever you are doing, have a super weekend.  

Mrs Preston

Head of School