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Penshurst Primary School

WEEK 3 - Friday 22 September 2023

What a lovely week! This week, one of my favourite events of the year happened – the EYFS sorting ceremony! This is the time when our youngest pupils are organised into their houses for their time at Penshurst, and it is wonderful to see all of the excited faces, eager to take their turn. 

I also had an amazing time on Thursday being introduced to Marlowe the Wellbeing Lab’s adorable baby brother, Sherlock! He arrived just in time for the KS1 pupils to come in from lunch, and every single one of the 140 faces beamed as soon as they saw the duo. So, without further ado, please meet Sherlock! Bet you smiled too!

Next week, Year 5/6 boys and girls football clubs commence, and on Tuesday 26th, Penshurst will be participating in Cross Country at Wolfreton. We wish all of our budding sports personalities lots of luck! 

In other news: 

We are eager to be able to share with you all of the wonderful things that our pupils have been doing in and around school, and for those of you who follow us on X (formerly Twitter), you will have noticed that we have increased our volume of tweets (are these now called Xs). If you are not currently a follower, you can do so by searching @PenshurstSchool. 

For parents of Year 1 pupils, you will notice that the blinds at the classroom windows are now closed at the end of the day when you collect your child. This safeguarding measure has been taken to alleviate the risk of any pupils sneaking past their teacher when they see their parents. Pupils will be released one at a time when their adult has been seen so that staff are confident that all pupils are accounted for. We politely remind parents to form an orderly line to make this process as swift and efficient as possible. Thank you for supporting us to safeguard your children.  

Please see attached a guide for parents on the evolving nature of WhatsApp and the risks that this can pose.   

I hope you and your families have a fantastic weekend. One of the things that I look forward to most about a fresh week is hearing all about what your amazing children have been doing. See you next week.  

Mrs Preston

Head of School