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Penshurst Primary School

WEEK 32 - Friday 24 May 2024

We have reached the end of the penultimate half term. How quickly this year has flown by! 

This week, we have once again been busy with sporting fixtures.  

On Thursday, a selection of KS2 learners attended Hymers College for the Pho3nix Kids Triathlon by Brownlee Foundation. This event was an opportunity for the learners to showcase their sporting prowess in a range of disciplines and a great time was had by all.  

Also this week, our Year 6 Boys Football team played against Anlaby Acre Head, drawing one game and sadly suffering a defeat in another. Nevertheless, all players played well. Thank you if you came to support the players.  

We also held our Year 6 Residential Information Evening this week, in which our Year 6 staff delivered essential information about their child’s upcoming adventures.  

In the classroom, it has been another incredibly busy week. Reception have been busy building their own electric circuits whilst moving up to Year 4, the learners have exhibited excellent technology skills whilst creating a geodesic dome (I had to Google this – think Crystal Maze if you are old enough!). For more on all of the wonderful learning, please head over to X (formally Twitter).  


I hope that you have a wonderful half term. A reminder that school reopens on Monday 3 June. I look forward to welcoming you all back.  

Mrs Preston

Head of School