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Penshurst Primary School

WEEK 33 - Friday 7 June 2024

Welcome back to the final half term of this year. 

As always, an array of learning has been taking place this week, from Reception learning all about how clouds are formed (and having a super time using this knowledge when spotting clouds) all the way to Year 6 getting busy experimenting with electrical circuits in Science. Outside, Gardening Club were met with an abundance of strawberries upon their return from the half term break this week. For more information on this week’s learning, please head over to X and browse our posts.  

Below is a message from Mrs Smith: 

‘The Great Big Green Week’ is happening next week. On Monday, the plant swap will take place. Tuesday is the day that uniform can be swapped. On Wednesday, you are invited to come and swap books, and Thursday will provide an opportunity to swap clothes. Finally, Friday hosts the Pick & Mix Swap. 

These events will be a fantastic opportunity for families to access pre-loved items. Although we have called it a swap (bring something and exchange for something else), please do not worry if you have nothing to contribute. Come along anyway as there maybe something that you would like to take.  

To support the event, on Tuesday, we have representatives from the REUniform charity along with Emma Hardy (Labour candidate) visiting the school. Please come along and support any event that you can. 

We have been notified by parents that some children who arrive at school on their own are playing and cycling in the middle of Winthorpe Road before the school gates open. If your child travels to school alone, may we advise that you chat to them about the importance of road safety awareness. Unfortunately, we do not have the staff to supervise the roads at the start of the day. Many thanks for supporting us in keeping your children safe. 

Whatever you are doing this weekend, I hope it is enjoyable, and I look forward to seeing you all next week.  

Mrs Preston

Head of School