WEEK 5 - Friday 4 October 2024
We have had a few queries regarding homework expectations at Penshurst.
We will begin a consultation with you in the next couple of weeks as this is a priority for us this year and we would like to gather your views. In the meantime (with the exception of Year 6 who are working towards their SATs and theirs may change frequently), the expectation is as follows:
Read 3 x per week. This can be a reading book or on Reading Plus or a mixture of the two (Year 1 do not access Reading Plus)
Times Tables practice on TTRS (Numbots for KS1).
Weekly spellings
Revision of their Penhsurst Graduate Award sheets. This can also count as one of their reads.
There has also been a query regarding when the books should be in school. It is good practice for your child to bring their book each day as they may have pockets where they are able to read to the teacher.
Please look out for further communication regarding the homework consultation.
This week, KCOM visited our Year 4 learners to deliver a workshop which links to their unit of Systems and Networks.
Our Reception held a Phonics and Maths workshop to parents this week that was very well attended. Thank you for your support with this.
On Thursday, our learners had their photographs taken. Obviously, we will let you know when these arrive.
Next week;
A reminder that on Thursday 10 October, it is World Mental Health Day. Please encourage your child to wear yellow on this day.
I hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.
Mrs Preston
Head of School