WEEK 16 - Friday 10 January 2025
Happy New Year to you all and welcome back! I hope you had a restful Christmas break and managed to enjoy some valuable time with family and friends.
I would like to start by thanking you for your cooperation with our new Breakfast Club booking system. We anticipated there being some teething problems but so far, it has been running very well. As mentioned previously, this was necessary due to its popularity. Our numbers were increasing, and the adult-to-learner ratio was leading to concerns that this could affect the safety of the learners. Thankfully, your cooperation has helped us to be able to safeguard our learners effectively.
Please note that we have had reported cases of headlice in Year 2. As always, please be vigilant and treat your child as necessary.
I hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Mrs Preston
Head of School