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Head of Year 9 Blog


I am very proud to be the Head of Year 9.

If you wish to contact me, please email

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  • WEEK 34 - Friday 14 June 2024

    Published 17/06/24

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Year 9 Blog. 

    This week I have delivered a series of Assemblies on the late Rob Burrow MBE and his battle with Motor Neurone Disease. The assembly highlighted the story of Rob Burrow MBE, his personal battles and how they link to National Men’s Mental Health Week and National Carers this Week. 

    Rob Burrow died at the age of 41 after being diagnosed with motor neurone disease following a fantastic career with Leeds Rhinos. In a glittering career at Leeds Rhinos, he won eight Super League titles, two Challenge Cup trophies, three World Club Challenges and thirteen representative honours. 

    After his diagnosis with MND, Burrow and his friend and former teammate Kevin Sinfield have raised more than fifteen million pounds for charity in less than five years. 

    Burrow’s final message reads: 

    “I hope one day we find a cure and live in a world free of MND. By the time that you watch this I will no longer be here. I am just a lad from Yorkshire who got to live his dream of playing rugby league. As a father of three young children, I would never want any family to have to go through what my family have since my diagnosis. I hope I have left a mark on the disease; I hope it shows to live in the moment. I hope you find inspiration from the whole story.” 

    “My final message to you is whatever your personal battle be brave and face it. Every single day is precious. Do not waste a moment. In a world full of adversity, we must still dare to dream. Rob Burrow, over and out.” 

    I cannot finish this Blog without also drawing attention to Lindsey Burrow, Rob’s remarkable wife and carer, Lindsey who cares for Rob, their three children and works as an NHS physiotherapist. Her strength and unwavering positive attitude are truly inspiring. 

    The number of comments from both staff and students since listening to the assembly again demonstrates how this story has touched the hearts of so many. 

    Mr Julian 

    Head of Year 9 

    Mrs Green 

    Assistant Head of Year 9  

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  • WEEK 32 - Friday 24 May 2024

    Published 03/06/24

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Year 9 Blog. 

    I am sure you will agree that ‘time’ really does fly by. Unbelievably, we have arrived at the end of another term, meaning there are only 35 school days left of Year 9. It certainly feels like yesterday that I was discussing the start of Year 9. 

    This week the students of Year 9 had the opportunity to take part in the ‘Enterprise Day’ event, here at Hessle High School. The Enterprise Day is a whole day event, where students can design and market a chosen monthly subscription product. Working in small teams the students design a product, produce a presentation and eventually ‘pitch’ their idea to their peers. The winning group/product from each classroom, progressing through to the semi-finals. A winning product is eventually chosen after each Team completes a ‘Dragons Den’ style presentation to a local business entrepreneur and senior members of staff. 

    This is a fantastic opportunity for students to work with friends and students who they may not normally work with.  Every year I am blown away by the amazing ideas and products the students design, with this year’s winners designing a monthly wellbeing and mental health awareness product. 

    Next half term students in Year 9 will participate in a series of Maths exams, to be completed the week beginning 10 June. Information relating to exam preparation and revision topics can be found on Teams. Students are encouraged to use ‘Sparx’ and ‘’ to help prepare and revise before sitting their exams. 

    Please encourage your child/children to use the revision material available to them, this is a good opportunity for the students to get into the habit of sitting and working in exam conditions as they move ever closer to Year 10. 

    I hope that you all have a restful and enjoyable holiday, and we manage to see some sun. 


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green 

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 30 - Friday 10 May 2024

    Published 16/05/24

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Year 9 Blog. 

    At long last it appears that Summer may be on its way, the school field is reopened to the different Year Groups, and it is great to see the students being able to sit, chat and play sport on the field during their break and lunchtime. 

    During the Year Group assemblies this week and last, the students have had the opportunity to listen and watch the progress and story of Russ Cook, aka The Hardest Geezer. Some of you may be aware of Russ Cook and his incredible story of resilience, determination, commitment and stoic attitude. 

    On the 7th of April this year, Russ Cook became the first person to run the entire length of Africa in less than a year. Covering more than 10,000 miles and passing through 16 countries he ran the equivalent of 386 marathons and 19.2 million steps. 

    At 27 years old Russ Cook wanted to become the first person in the World to complete the remarkable feet, having suffered with alcohol abuse and gambling addiction he used running and fitness as a method of getting his life back on track. He aimed to make as much money as possible and raise much needed awareness for people in the UK who are homeless and the Sandblast Charity. 

    On his journey (run) he crossed the two largest deserts in Africa, firstly the Namib and secondly the Sahara, between these stretches of desert, he also traversed the Congolian Rainforest, the second largest rainforest in the world. 

    Facing huge adversity throughout his run, his story was very well received by the students of Year 9 who listened in awe and enjoyed greatly the images shown of his time running the 10,130 miles. 

    The presentation finished with a direct quote. Russ Cook said, “It is not just about fundraising, I want to inspire people, to throw everything and the kitchen sink at life” “You get one shot (at life), why would you not make the most of it?” 

    I am sure you will agree that we can all learn a lot from Russ Cook and his unwavering determination to complete this challenge and I hope that by raising the profile and bringing the stories of todays ‘adventurers’ I can inspire the students of Year 9 to strive to be their very best and believe that anything is possible with hard work and determination. 


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 26 - Friday 12 April 2024

    Published 12/04/24

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Year 9 Blog. 

    I trust you all had a restful and enjoyable Easter Holiday and managed to make the most of the sporadic dry days. 

    You may remember in my last Blog, I mentioned a Year 9 student who would be competing in the European Dancing Championship in Blackpool, and I am incredibly proud to say that Isabelle A (Y9) and Lily D (Y11) won Gold in the Ladies Latin Dancing category and Silver in the Ladies Ballroom category. This is an unbelievable achievement, and I am sure you will join me in wishing both girls huge congratulations. 

    As we continue through April and towards Summer, I thought I would bring to your attention that every April is known as the Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month. The goal being to increase public understanding of and appreciation for mathematics and statistics. 

    Mr Willson the Head of Mathematics at Hessle High School, very kindly agreed to write why he believes Maths is important. 

    “Studying Maths is so much more than just doing some sums and getting the correct answers. Confidence in using Maths to analyse and interpret data and understand finances is crucial for everyone and the whole digital world we now live in is driven by maths and data. Currently the majority of new emerging careers in the fields of computer science, cyber security and coding are heavily reliant on mathematical skills. Maths not only gives you the skills to be able to solve numerical and abstract problems but develops your analytical, problem-solving and logic skills to be able to make informed decisions, understand how things work or predict how they will change over time. The career opportunities when studying Maths are endless – accounting, medicine, engineering, cyber security, finance, forensic pathology, aviation, games development, website creation, coding, design & construction to name but a few. To finish with an interesting fact about how valuable a maths qualification can be, research from the Russell Group universities has shown that “on average those with maths A-Level earn 11% more over their lifetime than those without”.  

    I would like to add, although Maths is not always students preferred subject, there is no doubt that maths helps strengthen reasoning skills and critical thinking. It is a universal language that brings us together and impacts us every day. Making it one of the most important to learn.  

    If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green 

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 24 - Friday 15 March 2024

    Published 19/03/24

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Year 9 Blog. 

    On Friday, the 22 March we welcome back the Prison Me No Way team, who aim to raise awareness on the causes, consequences, penalties and impact of crime. Originally set up by three Prison Officers from HMP Hull they have now been delivering their exceptional programme for thirty-one years and worked with over one million students. The Prison Me No Way experience remains one of the highlights of our school calendar and I am sure the Year 9s will find the day very valuable. 

    Congratulations must also go to Isabelle A. in Year 9 who has recently won a dance competition, which sees her qualify for the European Championship in Blackpool. Their success, hard work, perseverance and determination has been recognised with the girls getting interviewed and filmed by the local news agency this Friday. We wish Isabelle and all those involved in the competition the very best of luck. 

    With the weather finally starting to feel like Spring, I hope to see the arrival of warmer weather in time for the Easter Holiday. Hopefully, the weather will continue to improve allowing me to complete some much-needed gardening and tackle the excessively long grass. I also have several flowers, herbs and vegetables to start planting and I do find gardening to be therapeutic and rewarding. 

    I hope that you all find the time to take advantage of the milder temperatures by spending more time outdoors. The opportunity to go for a hike, have a picnic or simply take a leisurely walk to appreciate the blossoming flowers and budding trees. 

    As I mentioned in my last Blog, the students of Year 9 should now have made their Option Choices in preparation for their future Pathway. If you have any questions relating to Option Choices or Pathways, I urge you contact school before we break up for the Easter Holiday. 

    As always, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green 

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 22 - Friday 1 March 2024

    Published 04/03/24

    I am pleased to inform you that we will, once again, be holding an activity day run by the Prison! Me! No Way! Trust for all Year 9 students.  

    The day focuses on a variety of presentations and workshops targeting issues affecting young people today including drugs, the crime prosecution service, anti-social behaviour, fire safety and first aid etc. Though these are sensitive topics for discussion, the delivery has proved to be very popular with our students in the past, with positive feedback on how they found the experience informative, enjoyable and inspiring.  

    The activities will be held all day on Friday 22 March starting with an assembly before students continue in smaller groups. Due to the timing of the day, the students will be on the second break and lunch, and will finish at 3pm, in order to access their normal travel arrangements.  

    Please note that one of the workshops usually includes input from a low-risk prisoner, as part of their community reintegration work towards the end of their sentence. The prisoner’s contribution is an integral element of the workshop and is always a valuable part of the day’s experience.

    We would encourage parents to discuss their child’s experience after the event.  
    If you require any further information about any of the issues presented during the day, please contact us or visit the PMNW website at  

    Mr Julian 

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green 

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • Week 16 - Friday 12 January 2024

    Published 12/01/24

    Hello and welcome to this week's Year 9 Blog. 

    Firstly, I would like to wish you all an incredibly happy and prosperous New Year and hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. 

    As we start the New Year, and plunge into our New Year Resolutions I would like to request that you discuss with your child/children ‘what school related area could they improve.’ Whether that is to improve their attendance, punctuality to school/lesson or join one of the many extracurricular activity clubs available. 

    This week the Year 9 Assembly focused on two principal areas: 

    Student Expectations – What does it mean to be part of Hessle High School? What do we expect from every student that attends our great school and what can they do to ensure they achieve the best grades available to them? 

    Introducing Option Choices – Year 9 is a pivotal year and in a short period they will be expected to discuss their option choices and moving forward to their GCSEs. Never has their attendance and punctuality been as important as it is now, and I must once again ask that every effort is made to ensure that your children attend school.  

    I am sure you will all agree, the thought of having to discuss their Option Choices seems to have arrived incredibly quickly and it feels like only yesterday that I took over this Year Group. 

    I am also very conscious that I have mentioned the importance of attending school multiple times within this blog, however this is an area that I would like to improve with the current Year 9 cohort.  

    Some of the many reasons why attending school is important include: 

    Education and Knowledge: School provides a structured environment where students can acquire a broad range of knowledge and skills. It offers a curriculum designed to cover various subjects, providing a well-rounded education. 

    Socialisation: School is a place where students interact with their peers, teachers, and other staff. Socialisation is crucial for the development of interpersonal skills, communication abilities, and teamwork. 

    Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Schools encourage students to think critically and solve problems. The curriculum often includes activities and assignments that require analytical thinking, helping students develop essential cognitive skills. 

    Discipline and Time Management: Attending school helps students establish a routine and learn discipline. They have a schedule to follow, work to complete, and deadlines to meet, teaching them valuable time management skills. 

    Preparation for the Future: School prepares students for future challenges and opportunities. The knowledge and skills acquired in school lay the foundation for further education or entry into the workforce. 

    Extracurricular Activities: Schools offer extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, and clubs. These activities contribute to the overall development of students. 

    Character Development: Schools play a role in shaping students' characters by promoting values such as responsibility, respect, integrity, and empathy. Interactions with teachers and peers contribute to the development of a well-rounded individual. 

    Legal Requirements: There are legal requirements for compulsory education, mandating that children attend school up to a certain age. Adhering to these requirements ensures that students receive at least a basic level of education. 

    As always, if you have any questions or queries, please contact me. 


    Mr Julian 

    Head of Year 9 

    Mrs N Green 

    Assistant Head of Year 9 

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  • WEEK 14 - Friday 15 December 2023

    Published 18/12/23

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Head of Year Blog. 

    This week we have been looking at the word’s community, belonging and pride and what this means. Belonging to a school is important for several reasons, as it plays a crucial role in personal, academic and social development. 

    What are the reasons why belonging to a school is important? 

    Structured learning: Schools provide a structured environment for learning, with a curriculum designed to cover various subjects and skills. 

    Qualified Instructors: Trained teachers guide students in their academic journey, providing expertise and support. 

    Peer interaction: Schools provide opportunities for students to interact with their peers, fostering social skills and relationships. 

    Diversity: Schools are often diverse environments, exposing students to people from different backgrounds and cultures. 

    Teamwork: Collaborative activities and group projects teach students the importance of teamwork and cooperation. 

    Discipline: School environments instil a sense of discipline and responsibility, helping students develop good habits. 

    Extracurricular activities: Participation in sports, clubs and other extracurricular activities contributes to well-rounded personal development. 

    Life skills: Schools help students develop essential life skills, such as time management, problem-solving and communication. 

    Career preparation: High schools and colleges often offer career guidance and counselling, preparing students for future educational and professional pursuits. 

    Belonging: Being part of a school community provides a sense of belonging and identity, fostering emotional well-being 

    Support System: Schools often have support services, such as counselling and mentoring to help students navigate challenges 

    While formal education can happen in various settings, schools provide a structured and purposeful environment for learning and personal growth, shaping individuals into well-rounded members of society. 

    With one week left before the Christmas break, I would like to wish you all the very best for Christmas and the New Year. I hope you all have a wonderful break. 


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 12 - Friday 1 December 2023

    Published 04/12/23

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Head of Year Blog.

    Continuing from the previous successes witnessed within Year 9, I am pleased to inform you of further students deserving praise and acknowledgement.

    Last weekend S.Avison participated in an Archery Double Portsmouth Round in Sandburn Hall Sports Centre. This involves the archer shooting 5 dozen arrows in ends of 3 arrows on a 60cm target. I am very pleased to say that S.Avison came first in her age group scoring 433 and 405. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

    I am also pleased to announce that H.Bridges had his first amateur fight at 50kg beating a very good fighter from St Pauls Amateur Boxing Club on points. He now looks forward to his second fight this weekend against another St Pauls Boxer. Good luck Harrison.

    The five Y9 girls picked to represent Yorkshire at the National Street Dance Championship in Dorset also managed to achieve several noticeable wins, including: coming 2nd as Team overall, Harriet and Maddie came 5th in their Duo, Mia and Scarlett came 2nd in their Duo, Maddie managed 6th in her solo and Scarlett had two 3rd places in her solo.

    Mia placed 2nd in her solo and 3rd in her L&L Category and finally as a ‘Quad’ they reached the Semi Final. An unbelievable series of victories and successes, well done to all girls involved.

    Finally, the Year 9 Football Team played in a recent tournament playing Cottingham (1-0 loss), Wolfreton (4-0 Win), Howden (1-0 Win) and a draw with Hunsley. Well done to those involved.

    Both Mrs Green and I continue to be pleased with how well the Year Group have returned to school and we have witnessed a massive improvement in the maturity of our students. I hope that they continue to grow into successful, hardworking and proud young people.

    They have certainly shown what potential they have when given the opportunity to shine.


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 8 - Thursday 26 October 2023

    Published 06/11/23

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Head of Year Blog. 

    As we approach the end of a very long term, I would like to highlight some of the amazing success we have witnessed within Year 9 since returning to school in September. 

    The Year 9 Rugby League Team have started the term well, having already played three games and sit at the top of the league beating South Hunsley 22 – 4, Withernsea 30 – 20 and Hornsea 24 – 0. 

    The Year 9 Football Team beat Driffield in a very tense and competitive game in the first round of the East Riding Cup. The game finishing 1 -1 and the boys finally winning 5 – 4 on penalties. They progress to play South Holderness in the next round of the cup. 

    This week saw five Year 9 students participate in the East Riding Schools’ Athletic Association Cross Country Championship at Cottingham High School. Competing against more than 100 runners in each event I am incredibly proud to say G. Wright placed 1st, L. Christie 6th, A. Foulston 10th, N. Rusling 47th in the boy’s category and C. Wright 36th in the girl’s category. This is an unbelievably tough event made worse by the terrible conditions they faced, well done to all students and their hard work and determination. 

    I have also received confirmation that four girls within Year 9 will be representing Yorkshire in the National Street Dance Championship in Dorset. The girls currently dance for the Urban Youth Dance Company, and it is through their hard work and dedication that they have been selected to represent Yorkshire at this level of competition. 

    On Wednesday Hessle High School entered two girls’ teams into the Tigers Trust Football Tournament. Both teams progressing through the group stages and progressing into the quarter finals. Hessle A beating Sirius West and Hessle B beating Cottingham, now seeing the teams move through to the semi-final. During the Semi-final Hessle A beat Driffield and Hessle B beat Wolfreton, the final now being an all-Hessle affair with Hessle A eventually beating Hessle B. The girls showed fantastic skills and sportsmanship and were an absolute credit to the school. 

    Finally, I would like to finish with information relating to one student in Year 9 who, after speaking to his mum has given me permission to raise attention and awareness to his story. 

    Leon McNeil started playing rugby at the age of 7 for Hull Wyke although suffering from injury he lost all confidence. 

    After several assessments at Hessle High School, it was recognised that Leon had some learning disability and decided to join the Hull FC Disability Rugby Team (LDRL), Leon fit in well with the squad and Leon made a number of new friends. After playing at St James Park as part of the Magic Weekend, Leon was asked if he would like to try the Physical Disability Rugby League (PDRL) to which he agreed. 

    Leons first PDRL festival, was on July 15th, at Hull University, and admits he was “really nervous”; players under a certain age or certain disabilities wear red shorts which indicates if the players are just tagged, or black shorts which indicate full contact. Leon said his coaches were fantastic and soon put his nerves at ease. His first game was against Salford, and although he was nervous the coaching staff really encouraged him and helped him. The second game was against Hull K.R and Leon become the hero of that game, managing to tag the Hull KR player as they went over the try line. Winning man of the match that game gave Leon such a confidence boost and he admits he was so happy with himself. 

    Having now played Warrington, Wakefield, Castleford, Bradford and Wigan, scoring several tries Leon is growing in confidence and enjoying being back involved with Rugby League.  

    More recently Leon had the opportunity to meet Her Royal Highness Princess of Wales which was a real honour and something that he could never imagine happening. Leon heaps praise on the amazing coaching staff and teammates who have made his time playing both LDRL and PDRL so enjoyable. 

    To say that I am proud of these achievements is a massive understatement. 

    Both Mrs Green and I have been so pleased at how well the Year Group has returned to school and we have witnessed a massive improvement in the maturity of our students. I hope that they continue to grow into successful, hardworking and proud young people.  

    They have certainly shown what potential they have when given the opportunity to shine. 

    I hope that you all enjoy the well-earned half term holiday, and we will see the students back on the 6 November to continue their journey through Year 9. 


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green 

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 6 - Friday 13 October 2023

    Published 16/10/23

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Head of Year Blog.

    In life we are constantly faced with choices, big and small. From deciding what to wear to choosing a career path, our lives are shaped by the decisions we make. Making the right choices can lead to fulfilling and successful life, I hope the practical tips mentioned in this week’s blog will help the young people make informed and wise choices as they navigate their educational journey and beyond.

    Understanding the decision making:

    Before we delve into making the right choices, it is essential to understand the decision-making process. Explore the steps involved in making good decisions, identify the problem, gather information and consider your options.

    Set clear goals:

    Knowing your goal is key to making the right choices. Whether it is preparing for an exam or choosing a Sixth Form or College. Having a clear sense of what you want to achieve will guide your decisions.

    Make informed choices:

    Making decisions without enough information can lead to regrets. Consider strategies for gathering information, such as seeking advice from parents and carers, career interviews and conducting your own research.

    Avoid impulsive decisions:

    Impulsive decisions can have serious consequences. Students must learn techniques to avoid making hasty choices and methods for practicing self-control.

    Cope with fear and uncertainty:

    Fear and uncertainty often accompany big decisions. Managing these emotions and building the courage to meet these decisions head on is crucial.

    Handling peer pressure:

    Peer pressure can influence your choices in school and beyond. Developing strategies to resist negative peer pressure and make decisions that align to your values.

    Mistakes happen:

    Mistakes are part of life, and they offer valuable learning. Learn to embrace failure and bounce back from any setbacks.

    Making the right choices is a lifelong journey that begins in school and continues throughout our lives. Making the right choices is not about being perfect; it is about being thoughtful, adaptable, and resilient in the face of life’s challenges. Choices today will shape your future, so choose wisely.


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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  • WEEK 4 - Friday 29 September 2023

    Published 02/10/23

    Hello and welcome to this week’s Head of Year Blog. 

    Attendance is a fundamental aspect of a student's life that often goes underestimated. It is not merely about being physically present in class; it signifies a student's commitment to their education and personal responsibility.  

    Recognising the connection between attendance and responsibility and how these two elements are crucial for academic success.  The Link between Attendance and Responsibility: 

    1. Punctuality Matters: 

    Being on time for class is the first display of responsibility. It shows respect for your teachers, fellow students, and the value of the education being provided. Arriving late disrupts the learning environment and reflects poorly on your sense of responsibility. 

    2. Consistency is Key: 

    Regular attendance fosters discipline and consistency. It is a demonstration of your commitment to learning and achieving your academic goals. The responsibility lies in maintaining this consistency throughout the academic year. 

    3. Accountability: 

    Taking responsibility for your education means attending classes even when it is challenging. Whether it is a difficult subject or a busy schedule, accountable students find a way to be present and engaged in their learning. 

    4. Active Participation: 

    Attending classes is not just about sitting quietly. It is about actively participating in discussions, asking questions, and seeking help when needed. This level of involvement showcases a responsible attitude towards your education. 

    The Benefits of Attendance and Responsibility: 

    1. Improved Learning: 

    Regular attendance allows you to stay up-to-date with subject material, making it easier to understand and retain information. Responsible students actively engage in the learning process and, as a result, perform better academically. 

    2. Preparation for the Future: 

    Being responsible with attendance sets a valuable precedent for the future. The workplace values punctuality and accountability, making these traits essential for career success. 

    3. Stress Reduction: 

    Responsible students experience less stress because they are well-prepared and organised. Knowing you have attended class regularly and engaged in your studies alleviates the anxiety that can come with procrastination. 

    If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

    Have a great weekend. 


    Mr Julian

    Head of Year 9

    Mrs Green

    Assistant Head of Year 9

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