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WEEK 38 - Friday 12 June 2024

Hello and welcome to the last Year 9 Blog. 

I cannot believe that we are a week away from the Summer Holidays and the students of Year 9 on the verge of starting Year 10. 

This academic Year seems to have passed in the blink of an eye, and it feels like only yesterday that I was discussing the start of Year 9. 

Mrs Green and I have been incredibly proud at how well our students have progressed throughout the year and we have seen a tremendous amount of improvement. Over the course of several weeks the students have listened to several assemblies about the importance of next year and the start of their GCSE build up. Attendance, punctuality and work ethic are topics we regularly cover within Tutor Time and Assemblies, and I once again ask that these are discussed at home. Starting Year 10 is their next challenge, but first we must see out this last week, finishing on a high. 

This week we will see the annual Sports Day Event taking place at Costello Stadium and fingers crossed the weather holds, and we get to witness a great day of sport. 

Our Year 9 Celebration Assembly will also happen this week and the teaching staff of Year 9 have been asked to put forward their nominations for the students they believe have shown the best attitude to learning, those who are constantly demonstrating our school values and represent both themselves and the school in the best possible way. 

I hope that you all have a restful and enjoyable Summer Holiday, and we will see you again in September and that start of Year 10. 

Take care, 

Mr Julian 

Head of Year 9 

Mrs Green 

Assistant Head of Year 9