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Contact Us

To contact The Hessle Academy, please write to us at the address below, telephone the school or email us. We will respond in due course.

Mrs A McLatchie, Operations Manager and Data Protection Link

The Hessle Academy (Penshurst Primary and Hessle High School & Sixth Form College)

Tranby House, Heads Lane, Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU13 0JQ

01482 648604


Mr V Groak - Headteacher

Mrs M Preston - Head of Primary School


If you would like any further information regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, please contact:

Mrs Anderson - Special Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCo)

Mrs Bourne - Assistant SENDCo (Secondary)

Miss Loveridge - Assistant SENDCo (Primary)


During normal school hours, all press enquiries should be copied to the Trust's Marketing and Communications Team, email as well as the main email

Requests for paper copies

To request paper copies of any website documentation, please contact us.

The Hessle Academy is part of The Consortium Academy Trust family of schools. Company number: 07665828, whose registered office is Harland Way, Cottingham, HU16 5PX Tel 01482 469838 email