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Head of Year 8 Blog


I am very proud to be the Head of Year 8.

If you wish to contact me, please email

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  • WEEK 8 - Thursday 26 October 2023

    Published 07/11/23



    1. something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed: his remarkable achievements in art. 

    1. the act of achieving; attainment or accomplishment: the achievement of one's object.

    This is a logo created by Logan Clark in 7U in ICT. He has created the whole thing from scratch including tracing the transformer and rollercoaster. 

    HOY postcards received this half term: 

    • Improved attendance award – based on a significant improvement since Year 7: Ben Barratt, Ruby Carrison, Renas Dogan, Harry Edgar, Millie Hinds, Reuben Kanwar-Gaddu, Max Lindley, Rhys McCallister, Tawfiq Mustafa, Jacob-Reeves Grantham, Peyton Weaver, Alanna Young. 

    • Resilience award: Megan Thomas 

    • Responsibility award: Corley Fletcher 

    • Kindness award: Riley Gray 

    Hot Chocolate and Waffle Awards 1 – The following students were nominated by the tutors based on their great start to Year 8. Some students have shown an improvement in their behaviour, improved attendance, kindness to others, responsibility within tutor time and others have continued to show an excellent attitude to learning.  




    Harry Oliver- Smith 

    Riley Gray 

    Layla Hewitt 




    Logan Clark 

    Jack Stamp 

    Charlie Wilcockson 




    Kieron Oldridge 

    Lucy Thompson 

    Jamie Chambers 




    Leo Woodhouse 

    Ethan Wilson 

    Isaac Pratt 

    The following students have also been nominated for the Hot Chocolate and Waffle Awards by Mrs Briggs and myself for achieving 100% attendance as well as high numbers of house points and low numbers of negative points: 

    Delves, Finn 


    Leeman, Tilly 


    Swingler, Amber 


    Naylor, Elijah 


    Pearce, Kasey 


    Turner, Daisy 


    Marshall, Lewis 


    Ghaffouri, Kurdo 


    Eland, Oliver 


    Carter, Jay 


    Sporting Achievement 

    There are many benefits of sport participation for children, which include: 

    • reduced risk of obesity 

    • increased cardiovascular fitness 

    • healthy growth of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons 

    • improved coordination and balance 

    • a greater ability to physically relax and, therefore, avoid the complications of chronic muscular tension (such as headache or back ache) 

    • improved sleep 

    • mental health benefits, such as greater confidence 

    • improved social skills 

    • improved personal skills, including cooperation and leadership. 

    But let's not forget the great sense of achievement a child gets when they do well in a sport, as seen by the following students in a range of sports: 

    • Rugby - Harlee Fox and Trent Scott have done exceptionally well to step up into the Year 9 Rugby team as starting and integral players within the success of the team having beaten South Hunsley, Withernsea and Hornsea this half-term. 

    • Football - The Year 8 team comfortably beat Driffield, 5-0, in their East Riding Cup first round fixture and will now play Holderness Academy in the next round. Harlee Fox and Asa Taylor have particularly impressed playing in the Year 9 Football team as well. Other students involved include Ben Barratt, Flynn Hedges, Jack Stamp, Leo Hall, Trent Scott, Harlee Fox, Riley-Joe Chamberlain, Haydn Wood, Ashley Leaming, Asa Taylor, Frankie Sizer, Charlie Creighton, Harrison Moosa, Liam Bradley and Freddie Leake. 

    • Cross-Country - Flynn Hedges, Jack Stamp, Connor Atkinson, Freya Temple, Larissa Petrie, Grace Hemingway, Mischa Daykin and Peyton Weaver all competed at the at the East Riding County Cross Country Championships at Cottingham performing amazingly well in poor conditions and represented the school with an excellent attitude and exemplary behaviour. Results of their placings are yet to be confirmed. 

    • The Year 7 and 8 netball team beat South Hunsley and included the following Year 8 students: Rosie Donner (player of the match), Mischa Daykin, Ava Sharp, Lilly Grantham, Ruby Carrison, Maisy Birtwhistle, Katie Lee Parish, Amber Swingler, Connie Ibbotson. 

    All these amazing achievements will also be celebrated as part of my HOY celebration assembly on the first week after half term. 

    COMPETITION  TIME – We have a Year 8 attendance competition taking place. The tutor group with the highest number of students with 100% attendance next half term will win the Hot Chocolate and Waffle Award before the Christmas break. Please continue to encourage your child to attend school every day and contact us if you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance etc, 

    Enjoy the half-term break with your children and we look forward to seeing them when they return. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 6 - Friday 13 October 2023

    Published 13/10/23

    Sport is a big part of my family life, and both of my children take part in a variety of different sports; swimming, karate, football, rugby and that's without the different extra curricula clubs they have signed up for. I, myself, play hockey on a weekend and I feel so much better both physically and mentally when I have played a game. Taking part in this type of activity help young people to become independent, build their self-esteem and help with their emotional well-being too. Sports clubs not only help in terms of increasing physical fitness but are also character-building, raise self-confidence and allow students to improve their leadership and time management. Below are the different extra curricula sports clubs available for Year 8 students. Please encourage your child to participate in the many clubs available, they can speak to their tutor for more details or just turn up. 


    Attendance is a priority at Hessle Academy as we see the impact it can have on students both academically and socially and like you, we want the very best for our students. We need to work together to ensure your child gets the best from school and avoid any absences from school unless necessary. 

    How does attendance affect outcomes for pupils/students?   

    Being in school is important to your child’s achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. Evidence shows that the students with the highest attendance throughout their time in school gain the best GCSE and A Level results.  

    Research has found that students who performed better both at the end of primary and secondary school missed fewer days than those who didn’t perform as well.   

    The data also shows that in 2019, secondary school pupils/students who didn’t achieve grade 9 to 4 in English and maths missed on 10 more days on average over the key stage than those who achieved grade 9 to 5 in both English and maths. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 4 - Friday 29 September 2023

    Published 02/10/23

    During tutor time this week students have been focusing on the European Day of Languages (EDL) which was celebrated on 26 September. The EDL is a means of promoting awareness among the general public of the importance of language learning and protecting linguistic heritage. 

    “Everybody deserves the chance to benefit from the cultural and economic advantages language skills can bring. Learning languages also helps to develop tolerance and understanding between people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds” 

    Did you know we have approximately 33 languages spoken within our school community? In Year 8 alone, there are 12 different languages spoken including English, Arabic, Chinese, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian and Urdu. 

    This week’s assembly was presented by our career’s leader, Miss Lawes, and I asked her to write a brief outline of what she spoke about: 

    This week I delivered an assembly to Year 8 students, focusing on their careers journey and how their time at school is an important stepping-stone towards their plans for the future. After asking for a ‘raise of hands’ I was delighted to see that many students already had an idea of what career they would like to pursue! I spoke about the Careers Programme we deliver at Hessle High School, which is made up of a variety of events and activities to prepare students for the world of work and upcoming milestones including KS4 Options, Post-16 destinations and post-18. Students will continue to explore all their subjects this year before the decision-making process begins during Year 9 as they choose their subjects to study at KS4. This is a key transition for the students and there is a lot of support in place to help and guide students. Year 8 students will be involved in the Ambition Day during the spring term where we invite various employers from a wide range of sectors to deliver workshops, this is always a great opportunity for the students and gives them a real insight into the world of work and different job roles that exist – more information to follow on this!   

    Students have a copy of the Careers Programme within their planners, this can also be accessed here. For more information about careers and updates, please visit the careers section of the website here.  

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 2 - Friday 15 September 2023

    Published 15/09/23

    I will start my blog as I started my first assembly of the year by saying Welcome to Year 8 and I hope you have had a lovely summer. 

    At the end of Year 7 I would usually write a final blog to the parents to wish them well and confirm who their child’s new Head of Year would be in Year 8. This year I am pleased to inform you that I will continue as your child’s Head of Year.  

    One of the focusses during tutor time this week has been self-care and the students discussing the following: 

    • Why is self-care important?  

    • What might be the benefits of self-care? 

    • What might make self-care difficult for some people? 

    This got me thinking about the pressures on young people and how important it is for not only them to think about their self-care but also for us as adults in their lives to be aware of this and their mental health. 

    There are many ways in which we can support children and give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. It is important that we encourage and guide them to think about their own mental health and wellbeing and pass on vital skills that we can teach them from an early age.  

    • Be there to listen – Speaking to children about what they have been doing and how they are feeling and making them aware that you are always there to listen. 

    • Support them through difficulties – Talk to them about difficulties and help them to work their way through them. 

    • Stay involved in their life – Show an interest in their life and pay attention to what is important to them. 

    • Encourage their interests – Support and encourage your child’s interest. 

    • Take what they say seriously – Listen to and value what they say and help them to work through their emotions. 

    • Build positives routines – Encourage clear structures and routines especially around exercise and healthy eating. 

    Useful websites: 

    Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS ( 

    The students have had a great start to Year 8, showing a great attitude to learning and responding well to the new behaviour consequence system. We have also had an incredibly positive start with attendance; achieving 96% or above and I would like to thank parents for their continued support with this. As discussed in previous blogs attendance can have a significant impact on a child’s education and the better the attendance the more opportunity a child has to reach their academic potential. 

    Thank you for your continued support, and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney 

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs 

    Assistant Head of Year 8 

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  • Head of Year Blogs 2022/2023

    Published 04/09/23

    To view Year 8 Blogs from 2022/2023 please click here.

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  • Head of Year 8 Blogs 2021/2022

    Published 08/09/22

    To view Year 8 Blogs from 2021/2022 please click here

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  • Head of Year 8 Blogs 2020/2021

    Published 17/09/21

    To view Year 8 Blogs from 2020/2021 please click here

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