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Head of Year 8 Blog


I am very proud to be the Head of Year 8.

If you wish to contact me, please email

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  • WEEK 38 - Friday 28 June 2024

    Published 02/07/24

    Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. 

    It is this time of year that I start preparing for the Year 6 students coming to us for their Transition activity week. This got me thinking of how quickly the last two years have gone and how I remember your child joining us all fresh faced and looking immaculate in their brand-new school uniform. I must say that most of the students in Year 8 still look like this, which is great to see. 

    So, what is in store for your child next year and how can you help them to prepare for the transition into Year 9?  These are just a selection of the activities and events that they will undertake in the next twelve months. 

    • Duke of Edinburgh sign up in September 

    • Year 9 Inspirational Day - Prepare for choosing KS4 options, workshops to motivate & inspire, introduction to Log On Move On 

    • Pathways workshops 

    • Options Fair  

    • Prison Me No Way  

    • Enterprise Day  

    • Sex Education talks 

    • Option forms complete by Feb half term 

    ASPIRATION: We aim high, and we have ambitious expectations 

    In a recent conversation with one of the Year 8 students they told me that they would like to be a mechanic when they leave school. I was very impressed that they already knew this but when I asked him if he would like to own his own business or maybe be a manager, he told me that he had never thought about it he just knew he was interested in mechanics. I believe this is the time where we as the adults around them can really start to push the children, to inspire them and give them the drive to achieve not only their potential but also go above and beyond. All of which will link nicely to preparing them for Year 9 and to ensure they return in September with a positive attitude to learning. 

    It is not only the students that have a transition coming up, but we also have Miss Wilkin moving from the current Year 11 team to join us in Year 8. Miss Wilkin has a lot of knowledge and experience to bring to the team and to assist in supporting your child in achieving their potential. She will be a great asset to the Year group, and she is looking forward to working with you and your children. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Wilkin 

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 34 - Friday 14 June 2024

    Published 17/06/24

    This week Mr Julian has presented an assembly based on Rob Burrow. 

    Rob Burrows has been described as a legend, an icon, an inspiration.  

    He started his career in rugby when he was sixteen; he was 5ft 5 inches and 11 stone. In one of the clips, we watched a player called Robert Hunter Paul admit ‘when I first saw Rob Burrow on the pitch I was worried for him. Then 10 minutes into the game I was worried for my team’ 

    Burrow knew from an early age what he wanted to be, and it didn't matter what negative comments he received - he went out there and proved them wrong. The Leeds Rhinos’ player won the Super League eight times and played for England thirteen times. 

    Unfortunately, in 2019 the rugby league player was diagnosed with the degenerative condition MND (motor neurone disease). This disease is something that I can talk about from experience as my mother-in-law was diagnosed with MND in 2016 and sadly died from this awful disease in December 2019. 

    At the time of her diagnosis, I remember family and friends being quite confused by what the disease was as it wasn't something that anyone seemed to know much about. I guess because of this we were a bit naive to just how much and how quickly it would affect her body. 

    Since his diagnosis Rob Burrow dedicated himself to not only raising awareness of MND but also raising funds for the MND community. This was supported by the vast number of family, friends and rugby supporters around him. He didn't give up; he didn't sit back, and he didn't stop fighting. 

    A statement from the Burrow family read: 

    "Rob has always been a true inspiration throughout his life whether that was on the rugby league field or during his battle with MND. He never allowed others to define what he could achieve and believed in his own ability to do more.” 

    "For those who knew Rob throughout his life, his determination and spirit in the face of MND over the last four and a half years came as no surprise. 

    "Rob never accepted that he couldn't do something, he just found his own way of doing it better than anyone else. He will continue to inspire us all every day. In a world full of adversity, we must dare to dream." 

    There are not many people who we can fit into all our school values, but this man most certainly could. 

    RESPECT: We respect ourselves and we respect each other. 

    RESILIENCE: We are determined, we do not give up when things get tough 

    ASPIRATION: We aim high, and we have ambitious expectations 

    RESPONSIBILITY: We take responsibility for our own actions 

    INTEGRITY: We do the right thing 

    KINDNESS: We treat each other with kindness 

    Rob Burrow, 41, a husband, a father of 3 children, a rugby legend and an inspiration to all sadly lost his battle with MND on 2 June 2024. 

    Burrow raised £6.8 million and the MND association continues to receive thousands of donations in his honour. 

    If you would like to donate to the MND association, please follow the link below. 

    Rob Burrow | MND Association 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 30 - Friday 10 May 2024

    Published 16/05/24

    May is National Teen Self Esteem Month and it gives us the chance to focus on the importance of ensuring our teens are self-aware and feel confident about themselves. The effect that their self-esteem has on their physical and mental well-being is of paramount importance and a crucial focus of the awareness month. 

    We can all remember how hard the teenage years are; dealing with social changes, hormones, new relationships, educational expectations, peer pressure etc. The aim is for us all to work together to check in on the teenagers around us and make them aware of the great things that they are achieving and doing well at. 

    When I was at school, although quite a while ago now, I remember having to write a positive comment about another student in my tutor group. I didn't really know the student that well, so I thought it was an impossible task, but it is surprising what impression we give and have of others around us. When I received feedback from my peers, I instantly felt an increase in my self-esteem and a sense of positivity that stuck with me all these years later. 

    I will be setting up a similar task for the students to take part in during their tutor time and the tutors will also be talking about the impact kindness and praise can have. 

    Additional to this we have also been focusing on one of our school values, responsibility. The students are now getting closer to Year 9 and will feel an increase in pressure regarding taking responsibility for their choices. This could be their choice of options which they will need to look at in Year 9 or their choice of behaviours in and outside of school. We need the students to take responsibility for their actions and to realise the part that they play in every situation and with this they must then take responsibility and accept the consequences that they may receive. We will often hear ‘but it wasn't just me’ or ‘they told me to do it’. The fact is that when a conflict arises or we make a mistake we cannot deflect from this by blaming others, making excuses or twisting the truth.  

    Lastly, it is so nice to see the sun shining and with this we can open the school fields for the students to use. Please can I ask parents to speak to their children about behaving appropriately in their social times to ensure they keep themselves and others safe. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 28 - Friday 26 April 2024

    Published 29/04/24

    Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me. 

    So says the children's rhyme that was used as a defence against name-calling and verbal bullying. Its intentions were to increase resilience and to avoid physical retaliation. 

    I have recently been to my own children’s parents evening and whilst I am obviously very interested to hear about how they are doing academically and that they are achieving their potential one of the main comments that always sticks in my head is that my children are kind, sociable and they are liked by the other children.  

    Kindness; to be generous, considerate and friendly.  

    One of the biggest battles we have as parents and in school is the use of social media. Unfortunately, both adults and young people often sit behind a screen and think it is acceptable to write things that they would never say to someone’s face, all too often choosing very unkind words. Some would use the term ‘keyboard warriors’ to describe people like this. Clearly, social media is a big problem for us and our aim for people to behave with kindness.  

    As Head of Year, I often speak to the students about ‘being kind’ and treating others as they would like to be treated themselves. School should be a happy place for young people, the place that they can come to and gain the best education whilst also spending time with their friends. We want the young people to be kind and to be respectful to each other, to understand that to gain respect they need to give respect and to speak to others in the way that they would like to be spoken to. 

    We have recently had the opportunity for our Year 7 and 8 students to watch a Leicester-based band that are currently touring UK schools to promote their music and raise awareness of mental health issues and the importance of looking after yourself and being kind to each other. This is a subject that they feel passionate about, as they have all experienced the negative effects of anxiety, depression and unkindness at some point in their lives. 

    Band members spoke about the symptoms of mental health issues and the importance of seeking help through family, friends, teachers and organisations. They then put on an excellent performance to the students which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. For anyone interested in listening to their music you can find them on social media @themercians, download their music at Spotify and watch music videos on Youtube. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 26 - Friday 12 April 2024

    Published 15/04/24

    I hope you had a lovely Easter break with your families. 

    Did you know that April is Mathematics and statistics awareness month?  

    The aim of this is to increase understanding and appreciation of Mathematics and statistics. I do wonder how many of our students really understand the importance of Mathematics and how useful it is in so many different areas of life. 

    Both subjects play a vital role in so many of the world's problems and are also key to so many job roles that our young people will plan to go on to do in the future. Job roles could include engineering, medicine, biotechnology, retail or can focus on internet safety, climate change, sustainability and so much more. 

    The skills gained from Mathematics and the use of statistics can include problem solving, critical thinking and it can also train the brain to analyse data effectively. 

    This April, we should not only celebrate mathematics and statistics but also speak to our young people about the importance of this as a subject and how useful it will be to them in the future even if they currently have the view of ‘When will I use The Pythagoras theorem when I’m older?’ 

    Here are some statistics I thought you would find interesting, please be aware that these are approximate and will depend on when you are reading this. 

    • 144 days until your child starts Year 9 and they start to think about their KS4 options. 

    • 874 days until your child starts Year 11, their final year of Secondary school 

    • 1190 days until your child finishes Year 11 

    Last year, students with the following attendance percentages achieved these grades in their GCSEs: 

    • A child’s attendance was above 90% their average grade will be +2 above target 

    • A child’s attendance was between 80%-90% their average grade will be –1.5 below target 

    I asked the Head of the Maths department, Mr Willson, to share his views on why he believes Maths is very important for our students: 

    “Studying Maths is so much more than just doing some sums and getting the correct answers. Confidence in using Maths to analyse and interpret data and understand finances is crucial for everyone and the whole digital world we now live in is driven by maths and data. Currently the majority of new emerging careers in the fields of computer science, cyber security and coding are heavily reliant on mathematical skills. Maths not only gives you the skills to be able to solve numerical and abstract problems but develops your analytical, problem-solving and logic skills to be able to make informed decisions, understand how things work or predict how they will change over time. The career opportunities when studying Maths are endless – accounting, medicine, engineering, cyber security, finance, forensic pathology, aviation, games development, website creation, coding, design & construction to name but a few. To finish with an interesting fact about how valuable a maths qualification can be, research from the Russell Group universities has shown that “on average those with maths A-Level earn 11% more over their lifetime than those without”.  

    Thankyou for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney 

    Head of Year 8 

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 24 - Friday 15 March 2024

    Published 19/03/24

    Last week I asked the students if there was anything specific they would like our assembly to be based on that they would find useful or interesting. One of the students spoke to me about Ramadan and how she would like it if we gave students a better understanding of what it was. I set the student a task of creating a powerpoint with all the details she thought would be useful and, although she was not confident in presenting it, she did an amazing job of not only creating the powerpoint but also making it clear, precise and easy for all to understand. I have used some of her information below: 

    • The exact dates of Ramadan change every year. This is because Islam uses a Calander based on the cycles of the moon. In 2024 in the UK, Ramadan will begin in the evening of Monday 11 March – Tuesday 9 April. 

    • Most Muslims fast between dawn and sunset. Fasting allows Muslims to devote themselves to their faith. It is thought to teach self-discipline and reminds them of the suffering of the poor. However, children, pregnant women, elderly people and those who are ill or travelling don't have to fast. 

    • During Ramadan, it is common to have one meal (known as the suhoor), just before dawn and another (known as the futoor), directly after sunset. 

    • Muslims try to give up bad habits during Ramadan. It is a time for prayer and good deeds. They will try to spend time with family and friends and help people in need. 

    • Many Muslims will attempt to read the whole of the Qur'an at least once during Ramadan. They will also attend special services in Mosques during which the Qur'an is read. 

    • The end of Ramadan is marked by a big celebration called 'Eid ul-Fitr' (the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast). 

    • Muslims are not only celebrating the end of fasting, but thanking Allah for the strength he gave them throughout the previous month. 

    • Mosques hold special services, and a special meal is eaten during daytime (the first daytime meal for a month). 

    • During Eid ul-Fitr Muslims dress in their finest clothes, give gifts to children and spend time with their friends and family. Muslims will also give money to charity at Eid. 

    Muslims fast as an act of worship, a chance to get closer to God, and a way to become more compassionate to those in need. Fasting is also seen as a way to learn patience and break bad habits. 

    Compassion - feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. 

    Patience - the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience may involve perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in disrespect/anger; or forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties 

    Bad habit - a negative behaviour pattern. Common examples include: over thinking things, overspending and nail-biting. 

    We may not all believe in the same god, but wouldn't it be nice if we all believed in compassion, patience and working towards breaking bad habits?  I believe that our students can and do show the willingness to try this and for that I am very grateful and proud. 

    I also spoke to 4 of the Year 8 boys who would like an assembly on online bullying and safety. The 4 boys are not only creating the powerpoint for this but will also present the assembly to the rest of the students in Year 8. I am looking forward to seeing this at the end of April. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney 

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 22 - Friday 1 March 2024

    Published 01/03/24

    Next week is the annual World Book Day (7 March). 

    World Book Day changes lives through a love of books and reading. The mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own. Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success – more than their family circumstances, their parents’ educational background or their income. We want to see more children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, with a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and the improved life chances this brings them.  More information on World Book Day can be found here: World Book Day About Us 

    As a parent myself I try to encourage my children to read for pleasure and they will often ask for several books as gifts for their birthday or Christmas. However, I also know that the more a child or adult reads the better their concentration and memory gets. Alongside this reading increases our vocabulary and enhances ability in creative writing. All these skills and the knowledge gained will help our children in a variety of subjects. 

    For me one of the most important aspects of reading is the ability to get lost in a book and escape from everyday worries or stresses.  

    I asked some of the staff at the school to tell me why they enjoy reading: 

    Mrs Green – AHOY 9 

    Reading is important as it helps reduce stress and helps me relax. Reading also expands your vocabulary and enhances my knowledge. 

    Miss Wheeler – Teacher of ICT 

    For me reading is important as it helps activate your imagination and broaden your usage of vocabulary and words you can use in different situations. Reading for pleasure can be a small escape after a busy day. 

    Mr Kay – Teacher of English 

    As an English teacher I try and read for pleasure every single day, even for 5 or 10 minutes. I normally read just before I go to sleep. At the risk of sounding like an English teacher I do genuinely love reading. Falling in and out of all these amazing little worlds and stories is amazing, and it helps with my imagination, creativity, vocabulary and ideas when I try and write my own stories! Obviously not every single book out there is right for everyone but if you have a look, I'm sure you'll be able to find a book that's right for you! 

    Mr Jarman – Teacher of History 

    Reading always helps to take me away from the day's problems, into whichever world the book is set in. No phones at the end of the day, just 30-40 minutes getting lost in a good book. 

    If you are looking for ideas for books to encourage your child to read, please see the list below that our Year 8 students have put together. 

    Name of books our Year 8 students would recommend 

    The Explorer by Katherine Rundell 

    Wonder by RJ Palacio 

    Holes. by Louis Sachar 

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney 

    Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 

    Matilda - Roald Dahl 

    The New Boy by Paula Rawsthorne 

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J K Rowling 

    You Are a Champion: How to Be the Best You Can Be by Marcus Rashford 

    The Murderer's Ape by Jakob Wegelius 

    Mo Salah - Autobiography (by Matt and Tom Oldfield) 

    The Crossover by Kwame Alexander 

    The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien 

    Thankyou for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8 

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 18 - Friday 26 January 2024

    Published 26/01/24

    The Vision Statement of The Hessle Academy incorporates the Mission Statement, our Values and our Vision for our learners and people.  

    The Mission Statement sets out the purpose of the organisation, namely ‘Everyone can achieve the extraordinary’  

    Values: These set of six core principles underpin everything that we do. They guide our behaviour and our decision-making. They are timeless, unchanging statements of what we believe to be important. 

    One of our school values is Aspiration; We aim high; we have ambitious expectations of ourselves and others. We believe that we can make a difference to our local community. 

    This week I have asked the Year 8 tutors to speak to the students about the meaning of ‘aspiration’ and whilst they are still quite young, we all aspire and dream and there are things we want to achieve in our life. The aim was to allow the students to think about their own aspirations. Here are some examples of our students' aspirations: 

    Lilly G - After school on a Monday, I train in Street dance and Musical theatre to help me complete my exams. In the future I would love to carry on with this and eventually become a dance teacher. 

    Heather G - I want to pass all of my levels in ice-skating and learn to figure skate. 

    S.C-A -  I would like to be a beautician and go to college, but I'm not sure where I would like to study. I would like to get a 'good education' and do well at school. 

    William D - I want to work hard so I can eventually start affiliate marketing or drop shipping because you can earn high profits. 

    Scarlett M - I aspire to be a tattoo artist but want to also make sure I get good grades, especially in Art. 

    Idil S - I aspire to be a Lawyer and to do this I need to focus on doing well at school. 

    Oliver M-S - I aspire to be a pilot and to achieve that I need to do well in school. I also aspire to be a good person and be kind to others. 

    Max S - I aspire to be a F1 Mechanic or part of the pit crew. To do this I am going to get experience of car engines outside of school and work hard in Technology, Maths and Science. 

    Josh R - I aspire to get 100% attendance. When I am older, I would like to be a police officer or work in forensics. 

    Abbie C - I aspire to be a teacher and then a good mum when I’m older. I need to get good grades to do this and make sure I have good attendance.  

    M.C - I want to do well throughout my subjects and focus on my artwork to become an artist. 

    Megan O - I aspire to be good and do well in science. My aspirations are to be grateful for everything in life and my family. 

    Aspirations and dreams are a driving force and provide people with a sense of purpose and motivation. We can use aspirations and dreams to guide us to our desired goals and allow us to grow and improve resilience along the way. 

    As parents and teachers, we can encourage young people to aspire to do well, and to achieve their goals and dreams. We can create opportunities to talk about what they want in life and discuss the way in which they can achieve this. 

    For more information on our school values please click on the link below: 

    Student opportunity 

    Bikeability is a cycle training programme. It provides students with the skills, knowledge understanding to cycle safely on the roads.  

    Bikeability will provide students with the confidence for all kinds of cycling in the future. Parents have been sent an email with more details and places are limited so please sign up asap if this is something your child would like to take part in. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 16 - Friday 12 January 2024

    Published 16/01/24

    Happy New Year 

    As a parent of Primary School age children, I am often trying to think of new ideas for parenting my children in a positive and rewarding way. This can be a struggle at times especially when it is my 10-year-old son who is getting a bit old for my usual strategies. This got me thinking about how this will change again as my children get older. As a teacher, I obviously use positive rewards and strategies, but can these be used from a parenting point of view? I have done a bit of research and I believe that although the strategies are not the same, there are similarities, and it doesn't matter whether we are teaching or parenting, rewards and recognitions are always a good thing. 

    Teenagers are young adults who are trying to learn the ways of the world. When they do something great at school or at home or simply make a healthy decision, parents can give them a reward. The reward does not have to be money, but it is a nice way to say "thank you" or "I'm proud of you." Teens need this positive reinforcement because it shows them that they are on the right track. It is also a good life lesson that you can pass on: good things happen to good people. 

    The following list includes a number of rewards you might want to consider. They are pretty much all the things that teenagers might want and are quite universal. Of course, if your teen is into a special hobby or has a unique interest, you might cater the reward to that from time to time. 

    A Hug: You would be surprised how much this simple gesture means. 

    Mobile Phone: If your teen does not have their own phone yet, this may be a nice reward for doing something special. Remind them that with a phone comes responsibility and you expect them to keep up the good work or the phone may have to go away. 

    Computer Time: Limiting the teenager's screen time is not a bad thing. When they do good things, give them a few extra hours to play on the computer without doing homework. 

    Friend Time: Give your teen permission to invite a few friends over for a sleepover or just a few extra hours to watch movies, play games and hang out. 

    New Book: Encourage reading and reward your teen at the same time by giving them a new book or a gift certificate so they can choose their own. 

    New Clothes: Every teen wants the latest fashions and a gift card to the mall is a fantastic idea. Give them a ride—or let them drive—and allow them to spend the afternoon with friends spending their well-earned reward. 

    Sleeping In: Allow your teen to take a morning off and sleep in a little later than normal. Of course, this shouldn't be on a school day. 

    How to Reward Your Teen for Good Behavior ( 

    Recognition – the appreciation of someone's achievements.  

    I have asked the Year 8 tutors to recognise a member of their tutor group. 


    Kaida.P- Aspiration. Kaida consistently aspires to do her best. From being on time, wearing correct uniform, bringing her planner and equipment every day to getting consistently one of the highest numbers of house points in tutor every week. She was more than happy to step up and take on the role of one of the house Ambassadors. All-rounder - kind, friendly and a great example to her peers.  


    Frankie P - Resilience. Frankie has settled in really well since starting here last term. She had adapted really well and made lots of new friends. Frankie is a pleasure to have in the group and is working really hard. 


    Charlie M- Respect. Charlie consistently respects those around him during tutor time. He is always prepared for the day and has a very polite attitude. He has received a high number of house points and is a valued member of 8A3! 


    A. P - Responsibility. Arrives on time every day, very polite, perfect uniform, full equipment and planner every day. She has 100% attendance and loads of house points too, just an all-round super star! 


    Freddie L - Responsibility. Is always on hand to assist in tutor to help sort out equipment/house points. Is always prepared, ready, on time and is a fantastic member of 8C2! Keep it up, Freddie! 


    Tilly L - Tilly has positively taken to the new behaviour system implemented in September and is the leading student for house points in 8C3 and third overall for the whole of Cassio. She also boasts a perfect attendance record in Year 8 which has continued from Year 7. She is dedicated and hardworking and sets a fantastic example to her peers. 


    Lily T - always positive and polite in the class. Lily is a cheerful and mature form member, never puts a foot wrong! 


    Lucy T - Aspiration - She has been lots of effort into our tutor activities, including entering house competitions. She always has a go at our morning puzzles as well. 


    Peyton W - Resilience. Peyton has tried hard to improve her attendance since returning in September and has achieved lots of praise and house points. 


    Leah C - Responsibility.  Leah helps us every day with daily checks, taking pride in doing so and always with a smile.  She'd be our class 'Head Prefect' if we had them. 


    Ethan H - Aspiration - Ethan consistently demonstrates high standards with whatever he is asked to. He is always repaired for the day; he is always polite and respectful and in tutor he is always taking part in discussion. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 14 - Friday 15 December 2023

    Published 20/12/23

    This is my final blog before Christmas, the magical time of year and a special time to show others you care. Families come together and show one another love and how they value each other. We all try to make the most of this quality time with family and friends. 

    As a parent myself I often hear the words ‘mummy can you play a game with me’. The truth is that although I try to find the time for this it isn't always possible and for me this is what Christmas is all about. This Christmas I will be mostly eating, drinking, playing games and watching movies. Why? Because this is the time of year, I make sure I can. 

    So - from one parent to another - please do the same, spend time with your children talking, playing games, watching movies. Enjoy every moment, enjoy opening your gifts and we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 

    In February 2024 our Academy trust are running a Sustainability learner conference in which, we have 6 of our Year 8 students taking part and representing our school; Reuben Kanwar–Gaddu, Paisleigh Hilton, Harrison Colby-Brinkley, Mary Cousins, Eva Williams and Paris McDonald. I look forward to updating you on their progress and the amazing work I know they will achieve. 


    Responsibility award: Mary Cousins  

    Integrity award: Kaida Parker  

    Resilience award: Tym Krotik 


    Competition winners: 8P3 have won our hot chocolate and waffle award. They have the highest number of students with 100% attendance for this half term. A huge well done and congratulations. We are looking forward to sharing a hot chocolate with you and your tutor on Wednesday this week. 

    I will finish my blog with an extract of a poem written by Clement Clarke Moore that always inspires the magical Christmas warm feeling and I hope it has the same effect for you: 


    ‘Twas the night before christmas, when all through the house 

    Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; 

    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, 

    In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; 


    The children were nestled all snug in their beds, 

    While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; 

    And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, 

    Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap 


    Merry Christmas 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 12 - Friday 1 December 2023

    Published 06/12/23

    This week the Year 8 students watched a performance called ‘Smashed Live’ which aims to educate students about alcohol. 

    Smashed is a powerful and realistic story of young people and alcohol. Learners stop and ask, ‘What if that was me?’ 

    Learning Objectives: 

    Smashed doesn’t tell. We enable learning. Students observe, explore and reflect on vital underage drinking themes including: 

    • The social and emotional causes 

    • The impact on young lives 

    • Social influence and decision making 

    • Where and how to help yourself and others 

    This is what Mary Cousins (8Oo2) had to say about it: “On Monday at school, we had a company called Smashed come in. Smashed was telling us about drinking at a young age and the dangers it can lead to. I found it very interactive and fun, and I liked how it was comedic but still brought to life the dangers. Also, the show, I felt, was much more interactive and better than watching a video or being given a speech. I felt that people concentrated more and took more information from it because they could relate to it. Overall, I would like to see more things like it, and I really enjoyed it’. 

    As part of the Smashed performance the students were asked to take part in workshop activities answering questions based on what they had learnt. There were 18 students who received house points and a HOY rewards postcard for their participation in the workshops: Harrison Colby Brinkly, Robert Fordham, Riley Gray, Finley Hatton, William Heslop, Paisley Hilton, Saffie Hudson, Samanta Kalugunaite, Scarlett McCoy, Brandon Minns, Seb Minns, Tawfiw Mustafa, Harry Oliver-Smith, Abigail Palmer, Ava Parker, Ryan Pattison, Lacey Platten, Peyton Weaver. A huge well done to these students for having the confidence and excellent attitude to learning to share their views and answer questions. 

    Meanwhile, the Year 8 football team played brilliantly this week winning 7-0. The boys showed an exceptional attitude and effort put into the game. Goal scorers: Riley-Joe Chamberlain (2), Frankie Sizer, Harlee Fox, Ash Leaming, Asa Taylor and Matthew White. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns; 

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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  • WEEK 10 - Friday 17 November 2023

    Published 20/11/23

    Anti-Bullying Week took place from Monday 13th-Friday 17th November and the theme this year is Make a Noise About Bullying, which reminds us of the importance to speak up about bullying. 

    During tutor time this week the students have been discussing the difference between ‘teasing’, ‘conflict’, ‘a mean moment’ and ‘bullying’.  

    Teasing is when: 

    • Everyone is having fun 

    • No one is getting hurt 

    • Everyone is participating 

    Conflict is when: 

    • No one is having fun 

    • There is a possible solution to the disagreement 

    • There is an equal balance of power 

    A mean moment is when: 

    • Someone is being hurt on purpose 

    • Reaction to a strong feeling or emotion 

    • An isolated event (it does not regularly happen) 

    Bullying is when: 

    • Someone is being hurt on purpose 

    • It is repetitive (happens regularly) 

    • There is an imbalance of power 

    We have focused not only on students gaining a clear understanding of the difference between ‘teasing’, ‘conflict’, ‘a mean moment’ and ‘bullying’ but most importantly on how to deal with this type of behaviour and the importance of reporting things to a trusted adult; parent, tutor, teacher or the pastoral team. 

    Additional information: 

    New extra curricula opportunity: Japanese club (Thursday after school Y7 - Y11).  This is a unique opportunity to have a go at learning a very different language. 

    Monday 20 November – Dr Bike. Students can bring their bikes to school to be serviced for free. Please ask your child to bring their bike into school and leave it in the designated area which will be signposted. 

    COMPETITION TIME – As mentioned in my last blog; we are running a Year 8 attendance competition and the tutor group with the highest number of students with 100% attendance at the end of this half term will win the Hot Chocolate and Waffle Award before the Christmas break. The tutor group currently in first place is Cassio 3, but there is plenty of time for this to change. Please continue to encourage your child to attend school every day and contact us if you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance etc. 

    Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns;

    Miss Pinkney

    Head of Year 8

    Miss Briggs

    Assistant Head of Year 8

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